[Top][Contents] |
Table of Contents
- 1. Musical terms A-Z
- 1.1 A
- 1.2 a due
- 1.3 accelerando
- 1.4 accent
- 1.5 accessory
- 1.6 acciaccatura
- 1.7 accidental
- 1.8 adagio
- 1.9 al fine
- 1.10 al niente
- 1.11 alla breve
- 1.12 allegro
- 1.13 alteration
- 1.14 alto
- 1.15 alto clef
- 1.16 ambitus
- 1.17 anacrusis
- 1.18 ancient minor scale
- 1.19 andante
- 1.20 appoggiatura
- 1.21 arpeggio
- 1.22 articulation
- 1.23 ascending interval
- 1.24 augmentation
- 1.25 augmented interval
- 1.26 autograph
- 1.27 B
- 1.28 backfall
- 1.29 bar
- 1.30 bar line
- 1.31 baritone
- 1.32 baritone clef
- 1.33 bass
- 1.34 bass clef
- 1.35 beam
- 1.36 beat
- 1.37 beat repeat
- 1.38 bind
- 1.39 brace
- 1.40 bracket
- 1.41 brass
- 1.42 breath mark
- 1.43 breve
- 1.44 C
- 1.45 C clef
- 1.46 cadence
- 1.47 cadenza
- 1.48 caesura
- 1.49 canon
- 1.50 cent
- 1.51 central C
- 1.52 chord
- 1.53 chord grid
- 1.54 chromatic scale
- 1.55 chromaticism
- 1.56 church mode
- 1.57 clef
- 1.58 cluster
- 1.59 comma
- 1.60 common meter
- 1.61 Common Practice Period
- 1.62 common time
- 1.63 complement
- 1.64 compound interval
- 1.65 compound meter
- 1.66 compound time
- 1.67 concert pitch
- 1.68 conjunct movement
- 1.69 consonance
- 1.70 contralto
- 1.71 copying music
- 1.72 counterpoint
- 1.73 countertenor
- 1.74 crescendo
- 1.75 cue-notes
- 1.76 custos
- 1.77 cut time
- 1.78 D
- 1.79 da capo
- 1.80 dal niente
- 1.81 dal segno
- 1.82 decrescendo
- 1.83 descending interval
- 1.84 diatonic scale
- 1.85 didymic comma
- 1.86 diminished interval
- 1.87 diminuendo
- 1.88 diminution
- 1.89 direct
- 1.90 disjunct movement
- 1.91 dissonance
- 1.92 dissonant interval
- 1.93 divisio
- 1.94 doit
- 1.95 dominant
- 1.96 dominant ninth chord
- 1.97 dominant seventh chord
- 1.98 dorian mode
- 1.99 dot (augmentation dot)
- 1.100 dotted note
- 1.101 double appoggiatura
- 1.102 double bar line
- 1.103 double dotted note
- 1.104 double flat
- 1.105 double sharp
- 1.106 double time signature
- 1.107 double trill
- 1.108 duple meter
- 1.109 duplet
- 1.110 duration
- 1.111 dynamics
- 1.112 E
- 1.113 ecclesiastical mode
- 1.114 eighth note
- 1.115 eighth rest
- 1.116 elision
- 1.117 embellishment
- 1.118 engraving
- 1.119 enharmonic
- 1.120 equal temperament
- 1.121 expression mark
- 1.122 extender line
- 1.123 F
- 1.124 F clef
- 1.125 fall
- 1.126 feathered beam
- 1.127 fermata
- 1.128 fifth
- 1.129 figured bass
- 1.130 fine
- 1.131 fingering
- 1.132 flag
- 1.133 flageolet
- 1.134 flat
- 1.135 forefall
- 1.136 forte
- 1.137 fourth
- 1.138 Frenched score
- 1.139 Frenched staff
- 1.140 Frenched staves
- 1.141 fugue
- 1.142 functional harmony
- 1.143 G
- 1.144 G clef
- 1.145 glissando
- 1.146 grace notes
- 1.147 grand staff
- 1.148 grave
- 1.149 gruppetto
- 1.150 H
- 1.151 hairpin
- 1.152 half note
- 1.153 half rest
- 1.154 harmonic cadence
- 1.155 harmonics
- 1.156 harmony
- 1.157 hemiola
- 1.158 high bass clef
- 1.159 homophony
- 1.160 hook
- 1.161 hymn meter
- 1.162 incomplete dominant seventh chord
- 1.163 interval
- 1.164 inversion
- 1.165 inverted interval
- 1.166 just intonation
- 1.167 key
- 1.168 key signature
- 1.169 kievan notation
- 1.170 laissez vibrer
- 1.171 largo
- 1.172 leading note
- 1.173 ledger line
- 1.174 legato
- 1.175 legato curve
- 1.176 leger line
- 1.177 ligature
- 1.178 lilypond
- 1.179 line
- 1.180 loco
- 1.181 long appoggiatura
- 1.182 longa
- 1.183 lyric tie
- 1.184 lyrics
- 1.185 major
- 1.186 major interval
- 1.187 maxima
- 1.188 meantone temperament
- 1.189 measure
- 1.190 measure repeat
- 1.191 mediant
- 1.192 melisma
- 1.193 melisma line
- 1.194 melodic cadence
- 1.195 mensural notation
- 1.196 mensuration sign
- 1.197 mensurstrich
- 1.198 meter
- 1.199 metronome
- 1.200 metronome mark
- 1.201 metronomic indication
- 1.202 mezzo
- 1.203 mezzo-soprano
- 1.204 middle C
- 1.205 minor
- 1.206 minor interval
- 1.207 mixolydian mode
- 1.208 mode
- 1.209 modulation
- 1.210 mordent
- 1.211 motif
- 1.212 motive
- 1.213 movement
- 1.214 multi-measure rest
- 1.215 natural
- 1.216 neighbor tones
- 1.217 ninth
- 1.218 non-legato
- 1.219 note
- 1.220 note head
- 1.221 note names
- 1.222 note value
- 1.223 octavation
- 1.224 octave
- 1.225 octave mark
- 1.226 octave marking
- 1.227 octave sign
- 1.228 ornament
- 1.229 ossia
- 1.230 part
- 1.231 pause
- 1.232 pennant
- 1.233 percent repeat
- 1.234 percussion
- 1.235 perfect interval
- 1.236 phrase
- 1.237 phrasing
- 1.238 piano
- 1.239 pickup
- 1.240 pitch
- 1.241 pizzicato
- 1.242 polymeter
- 1.243 polymetric
- 1.244 polymetric time signature
- 1.245 polyphony
- 1.246 portato
- 1.247 power chord
- 1.248 presto
- 1.249 proportion
- 1.250 Pythagorean comma
- 1.251 quadruplet
- 1.252 quality
- 1.253 quarter note
- 1.254 quarter rest
- 1.255 quarter tone
- 1.256 quintuplet
- 1.257 rallentando
- 1.258 relative key
- 1.259 repeat
- 1.260 rest
- 1.261 rhythm
- 1.262 ritardando
- 1.263 ritenuto
- 1.264 scale
- 1.265 scale degree
- 1.266 scordatura
- 1.267 score
- 1.268 second
- 1.269 semibreve
- 1.270 semitone
- 1.271 seventh
- 1.272 sextolet
- 1.273 sextuplet
- 1.274 shake
- 1.275 sharp
- 1.276 simile
- 1.277 simple meter
- 1.278 sixteenth note
- 1.279 sixteenth rest
- 1.280 sixth
- 1.281 sixty-fourth note
- 1.282 sixty-fourth rest
- 1.283 slash repeat
- 1.284 slur
- 1.285 solmization
- 1.286 sonata
- 1.287 sonata form
- 1.288 song texts
- 1.289 soprano
- 1.290 staccato
- 1.291 staff
- 1.292 staves
- 1.293 stem
- 1.294 stringendo
- 1.295 strings
- 1.296 strong beat
- 1.297 subdominant
- 1.298 submediant
- 1.299 subtonic
- 1.300 sul G
- 1.301 superdominant
- 1.302 supertonic
- 1.303 symphony
- 1.304 syncopation
- 1.305 syntonic comma
- 1.306 system
- 1.307 temperament
- 1.308 tempo indication
- 1.309 tenor
- 1.310 tenth
- 1.311 tenuto
- 1.312 third
- 1.313 thirty-second note
- 1.314 thirty-second rest
- 1.315 thorough bass
- 1.316 tie
- 1.317 time
- 1.318 time signature
- 1.319 tone
- 1.320 tonic
- 1.321 transposing instrument
- 1.322 transposition
- 1.323 treble clef
- 1.324 tremolo
- 1.325 triad
- 1.326 trill
- 1.327 triple meter
- 1.328 triplet
- 1.329 tritone
- 1.330 tuning fork
- 1.331 tuplet
- 1.332 turn
- 1.333 unison
- 1.334 upbeat
- 1.335 voice
- 1.336 volta
- 1.337 vowel transition
- 1.338 weak beat
- 1.339 whole note
- 1.340 whole rest
- 1.341 whole tone
- 1.342 woodwind
- 2. Duration names notes and rests
- 3. Pitch names
- 4. Non-Western terms A-Z
- A. Literature used
- B. GNU Free Documentation License
[Top][Contents] |