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3.5 Filename extensions
You can use any file name extension for the input file, but if you do not
use the recommended extension for a particular format you may need to
manually specify the output format; for details, see Invoking lilypond-book
. Otherwise, lilypond-book
selects the output format based on the input file name’s extension.
extension output format .html HTML .htmly HTML .itely Texinfo .latex LaTeX .lytex LaTeX .lyxml DocBook .tely Texinfo .tex LaTeX .texi Texinfo .texinfo Texinfo .xml HTML
If you use the same file name extension for the input file than the
extension lilypond-book
uses for the output file, and if the
input file is in the same directory as lilypond-book
directory, you must use --output option to make
running, otherwise it will exit with an error
message like “Output would overwrite input file”.