Appendix B Befehlsübersicht

1 2 8 16Tondauern

[image of music]

c4. c4..Punktierung

[image of music]

c d e f g a b Tonleiter

[image of music]

fis besVorzeichen

[image of music]

\clef treble \clef bass Notenschlüssel

[image of music]

\time 3/4 \time 4/4 Taktangaben

[image of music]

r4 r8Pause

[image of music]

d ~ dBindebogen

[image of music]

\key es \major Tonart

[image of music]


[image of music]

note,Oktavierung nach unten

[image of music]

c( d e)Legatobogen

[image of music]

c\( c( d) e\)Phrasierungsbogen

[image of music]

a8[ b]Balken

[image of music]

<< \new Staff ... >>mehr Notensysteme

[image of music]

c-> c-.Artikulationszeichen

[image of music]

c2\mf c\sfzDynamik

[image of music]

a\< a a\!Crescendo

[image of music]

a\> a a\!Decrescendo

[image of music]

< >Noten im Akkord

[image of music]

\partial 8Auftakt

[image of music]

\tuplet 3/2 {f g a}Triolen

[image of music]


[image of music]

\lyricmode { twinkle }Texteingabetwinkle
\new LyricsGesangstext

[image of music]

twin -- kleGesangstext-Trennstrich

[image of music]

\chordmode { c:dim f:maj7 }Akkorde

[image of music]

\context ChordNamesAkkordsymbole drucken

[image of music]

<<{e f} \\ {c d}>>Mehrstimmigkeit

[image of music]

s4 s8 s16unsichtbare Pausen

LilyPond Benutzerhandbuch v2.25.23 (development-branch).