2.2.16 Bend_spanner_engraver

Engraver to print a BendSpanner.

Music types accepted: bend-span-event, note-event and string-number-event

Properties (read)

stringFretFingerList (list)

A list containg three entries. In TabVoice and FretBoards they determine the string, fret and finger to use

supportNonIntegerFret (boolean)

If set in Score the TabStaff will print micro-tones as ‘

Properties (write)

stringFretFingerList (list)

A list containg three entries. In TabVoice and FretBoards they determine the string, fret and finger to use

supportNonIntegerFret (boolean)

If set in Score the TabStaff will print micro-tones as ‘

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): BendSpanner.

Bend_spanner_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: TabVoice.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.24 (development-branch).