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[ < Marking notes of spoken parts with a cross on the stem (Sprechstimme) ] | [ Up : Editorial annotations ] | [ Measure spanner > ] |
Contador de compases
Este fragmento de código proporciona una solución alternativa a la producción de contadores de compás utilizando repeticiones transparentes de tipo porcentaje.
<< \context Voice = "foo" { \clef bass c4 r g r c4 r g r c4 r g r c4 r g r } \context Voice = "foo" { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \hide PercentRepeat \override PercentRepeatCounter.staff-padding = #1 \repeat percent 4 { s1 } } >>
![[image of music]](../bb/lily-5156e2b0.png)
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[ < Marking notes of spoken parts with a cross on the stem (Sprechstimme) ] | [ Up : Editorial annotations ] | [ Measure spanner > ] |