A.10 Estilos de clave

La tabla siguiente presenta todos los estilos de clave posibles y el lugar del Do central en cada una.

Claves estándar

\clef G

[image of music]

\clef "G2"

[image of music]

\clef treble

[image of music]

\clef violin

[image of music]

\clef french

[image of music]

\clef GG

[image of music]

\clef tenorG

[image of music]

\clef soprano

[image of music]

\clef mezzosoprano

[image of music]

\clef C

[image of music]

\clef alto

[image of music]

\clef tenor

[image of music]

\clef baritone

[image of music]

\clef varC

[image of music]

\clef altovarC

[image of music]

\clef tenorvarC

[image of music]

\clef baritonevarC

[image of music]

\clef varbaritone

[image of music]

\clef baritonevarF

[image of music]

\clef F

[image of music]

\clef bass

[image of music]

\clef subbass

[image of music]

Clave de pentagramas de percusión

\clef percussion

[image of music]

\clef varpercussion

[image of music]

Claves de pautas de tablatura

\new TabStaff {
  \clef tab

[image of music]

\new TabStaff {
  \clef moderntab

[image of music]

Claves de la música antigua


\clef "vaticana-do1"

[image of music]

\clef "vaticana-do2"

[image of music]

\clef "vaticana-do3"

[image of music]

\clef "vaticana-fa1"

[image of music]

\clef "vaticana-fa2"

[image of music]

\clef "medicaea-do1"

[image of music]

\clef "medicaea-do2"

[image of music]

\clef "medicaea-do3"

[image of music]

\clef "medicaea-fa1"

[image of music]

\clef "medicaea-fa2"

[image of music]

\clef "hufnagel-do1"

[image of music]

\clef "hufnagel-do2"

[image of music]

\clef "hufnagel-do3"

[image of music]

\clef "hufnagel-fa1"

[image of music]

\clef "hufnagel-fa2"

[image of music]


[image of music]


\clef "mensural-c1"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-c2"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-c3"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-c4"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-c5"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-f"

[image of music]

\clef "mensural-g"

[image of music]

\clef "blackmensural-c1"

[image of music]

\clef "blackmensural-c2"

[image of music]

\clef "blackmensural-c3"

[image of music]

\clef "blackmensural-c4"

[image of music]

\clef "blackmensural-c5"

[image of music]

\clef "neomensural-c1"

[image of music]

\clef "neomensural-c2"

[image of music]

\clef "neomensural-c3"

[image of music]

\clef "neomensural-c4"

[image of music]

\clef "neomensural-c5"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-c1"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-c2"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-c3"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-c4"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-c5"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-f"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-f2"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-f3"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-f4"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-f5"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-g1"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-g2"

[image of music]

\clef "petrucci-g"

[image of music]


\clef "kievan-do"

[image of music]

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