A.15 打楽器の音符
bassdrum bd
![[image of music]](../c9/lily-05584a10.png) | acousticbassdrum bda
![[image of music]](../57/lily-29271335.png) | snare sn
![[image of music]](../d0/lily-d4e29a1f.png) | acousticsnare sna
![[image of music]](../08/lily-5aa41bf3.png) |
electricsnare sne
![[image of music]](../a9/lily-4fe64f8e.png) | lowfloortom tomfl
![[image of music]](../36/lily-1d0b43c2.png) | highfloortom tomfh
![[image of music]](../ae/lily-6356d14f.png) | lowtom toml
![[image of music]](../15/lily-7505246e.png) |
hightom tomh
![[image of music]](../2d/lily-3448eb0e.png) | lowmidtom tomml
![[image of music]](../4f/lily-effdc95a.png) | himidtom tommh
![[image of music]](../31/lily-8b699580.png) | hihat hh
![[image of music]](../b1/lily-f9d817cd.png) |
closedhihat hhc
![[image of music]](../21/lily-1bf6e63c.png) | openhihat hho
![[image of music]](../0d/lily-65f2af40.png) | halfopenhihat hhho
![[image of music]](../99/lily-cb31f5b7.png) | pedalhihat hhp
![[image of music]](../13/lily-1e5febea.png) |
crashcymbal cymc
![[image of music]](../78/lily-ff5e6853.png) | crashcymbala cymca
![[image of music]](../6b/lily-098d96d1.png) | crashcymbalb cymcb
![[image of music]](../a4/lily-11b926e9.png) | ridecymbal cymr
![[image of music]](../04/lily-0f4d4bb7.png) |
ridecymbala cymra
![[image of music]](../35/lily-00d7ae26.png) | ridecymbalb cymrb
![[image of music]](../05/lily-4c5c1705.png) | chinesecymbal cymch
![[image of music]](../73/lily-2d1168e9.png) | splashcymbal cyms
![[image of music]](../1c/lily-de564350.png) |
ridebell rb
![[image of music]](../1a/lily-31b7c590.png) | cowbell cb
![[image of music]](../1d/lily-eebc90cd.png) | hibongo boh
![[image of music]](../79/lily-653418fe.png) | openhibongo boho
![[image of music]](../f3/lily-d343fc97.png) |
mutehibongo bohm
![[image of music]](../21/lily-bd9313f2.png) | lobongo bol
![[image of music]](../25/lily-77b4dd60.png) | openlobongo bolo
![[image of music]](../bd/lily-5699281f.png) | mutelobongo bolm
![[image of music]](../71/lily-040d5d57.png) |
hiconga cgh
![[image of music]](../ff/lily-6bb651bc.png) | openhiconga cgho
![[image of music]](../52/lily-4d948e84.png) | mutehiconga cghm
![[image of music]](../80/lily-6aae8ef4.png) | loconga cgl
![[image of music]](../c7/lily-2ed85c98.png) |
openloconga cglo
![[image of music]](../93/lily-d86b470d.png) | muteloconga cglm
![[image of music]](../e1/lily-2781d24b.png) | hitimbale timh
![[image of music]](../91/lily-fd142de0.png) | lotimbale timl
![[image of music]](../9d/lily-286f9c85.png) |
hiagogo agh
![[image of music]](../8f/lily-c6b0c2bb.png) | loagogo agl
![[image of music]](../25/lily-7bd9dc21.png) | sidestick ss
![[image of music]](../34/lily-a02ac06b.png) | hisidestick ssh
![[image of music]](../e1/lily-4dd7f309.png) |
losidestick ssl
![[image of music]](../1d/lily-95cf6e19.png) | guiro gui
![[image of music]](../ae/lily-b8dc6afc.png) | shortguiro guis
![[image of music]](../63/lily-e593cf6d.png) | longguiro guil
![[image of music]](../a7/lily-a3e86073.png) |
cabasa cab
![[image of music]](../82/lily-27adb759.png) | maracas mar
![[image of music]](../0c/lily-79020d1d.png) | shortwhistle whs
![[image of music]](../62/lily-8b73f454.png) | longwhistle whl
![[image of music]](../43/lily-ed424f35.png) |
handclap hc
![[image of music]](../49/lily-cf71da38.png) | tambourine tamb
![[image of music]](../db/lily-a8065781.png) | vibraslap vibs
![[image of music]](../18/lily-6d470220.png) | tamtam tt
![[image of music]](../2f/lily-18ac1917.png) |
claves cl
![[image of music]](../b9/lily-136673b0.png) | hiwoodblock wbh
![[image of music]](../b2/lily-8a9a7d2f.png) | lowoodblock wbl
![[image of music]](../79/lily-8a4b6b65.png) | opencuica cuio
![[image of music]](../34/lily-18425206.png) |
mutecuica cuim
![[image of music]](../dd/lily-51f98a9b.png) | triangle tri
![[image of music]](../07/lily-cc8a6448.png) | opentriangle trio
![[image of music]](../3f/lily-5c6d2567.png) | mutetriangle trim
![[image of music]](../40/lily-cd055cb8.png) |