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Enter the exact @node
name of the target reference between
the braces (for example, @ref{Syntax survey}
command link target @ref
current manual @rchanges
Changes file @rcontrib
Contributor’s Guide @ressay
Engraving Essay @rextend
Extending Manual @rglos
Music Glossary @rinternals
Internals Reference @rlearning
Learning Manual @rlsr
a Snippet section @rprogram
Application Usage @rnotation
Notation Reference @rweb
General Information webpage
All these commands also have a @...named
version, which
allows to specify the displayed text for the reference as a second
argument. This is mainly used in translations, for example
@rlearningnamed{I'm hearing voices, J'entends des voix}
If you want to refer to an external manual as a whole instead of a
specific section, use ‘Top’ as an argument. Example: