Fretted strings

Fretted string instruments

Afegir digitacions a la partitura

Es poden escriure ordre de digitació usant una sintaxi molt senzilla.

\relative c'' {
  c4-1 d-2 f-4 e-3

[image of music]

Afegir digitacions a les tabulatures

Per afegir digitacions a les tabulatures, utilitzeu una combinació de \markup i \finger.

one = \markup { \finger 1 }
two = \markup { \finger 2 }
threeTwo = \markup {
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 2)
  \column {
    \finger 3
    \finger 2
threeFour = \markup {
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 2)
  \column {
    \finger 3
    \finger 4

\score {
  \new TabStaff {
    e8\4^\one b\2 <g\3 e'\1>^>[ b\2 e\4]
    <a\3 fis'\1>^>^\threeTwo[ b\2 e\4]

[image of music]

Adding markups in a tablature

By default markups does not show in a tablature.

To make them appear, simply use the command \revert TabStaff.TextScript.stencil

% by P.P.Schneider on June 2014

high  = { r4 r8 <g c'> q r8 r4 }

low = { c4 r4 c8 r8 g,8 b, }

pulse = { s8^"1" s^"&" s^"2" s^"&" s^"3" s^"&" s^"4" s^"&" }

\score {
 \new TabStaff {
   \repeat unfold 2 << \high \\ \low \\ \pulse >>
  \layout {
    \context {
      \clef moderntab
      \revert TextScript.stencil
      \override TextScript.font-series = #'bold
      \override TextScript.font-size = #-2
      \override TextScript.color = #red

    \context {
      proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)

[image of music]

Permetre que les digitacions s’imprimeixen del pentagrama

Les xifres de digitació orientades verticalment es col·loquen de forma predeterminada fora del pentagrama. Malgrat això, aquest comportament es pot desactivar. Nota: s’ha d’usar una construcció d’acord <>, tot i que sigui una sola nota.

\relative c' {
  <c-1 e-2 g-3 b-5>2
  \override Fingering.staff-padding = #'()
  <c-1 e-2 g-3 b-5>4 g'-0
  a8[-1 b]-2 g-0 r
  \override Fingering.add-stem-support = ##f
  a[-1 b]-2 g-0 r
  \override Fingering.add-stem-support = ##t
  a[-1 b]-2 g-0 r
  \override Fingering.add-stem-support = #only-if-beamed
  a[-1 b]-2 g-0 r

[image of music]

Automatic Fretboards Barre

When automatic fretboards are used, barre indicators will be drawn whenever one finger is responsible for multiple strings.

If no finger indications are given in the chord from which the automatic fretboard is created, no barre indicators will be included, because there is no way to identify where barres should be placed.

\new FretBoards {
  <f,-1 c-3 f-4 a-2 c'-1 f'-1>1
  <f, c f a c' f'>1

[image of music]

Modificar l’orientació dels trastos

Els diagrames de posicions d’acords es poden orientar de tres formes. De manera predeterminada, s’alinea la corda o trast superior en les diferents alineacions.

\include ""

  \chords {
  \new FretBoards {
    \chordmode {
      \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation =
      \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation =
  \new Voice {

[image of music]

Glissando d’acords en tabulatura

Els lliscaments per a acords s’indiquen per omissió tant al context Staff com a TabStaff. Els nombres de corda són necessaris per a TabStaff perquè els càlculs de corda automàtics són diferents per als acords i per a les notes soltes.

myMusic = \relative c' {
  <c e g>1 \glissando <f a c>

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \clef "treble_8"
    \new TabStaff \myMusic

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \clef "treble_8"
    \new TabStaff \with { \override = #'none } {

[image of music]

Canvis d’acord de posicions de trastos

Es pot fer que els diagrames de posicions es mostren sols quan l’acord canvia o al començament d’una nova línia.

\include ""

myChords = \chordmode {
  c1 c1 \break
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  c1 c1 \break
  c1 c1

  \new ChordNames { \myChords }
  \new FretBoards { \myChords }
  \new Staff { \myChords }

[image of music]

Chords with stretched fingering for FretBoards and TabVoice

Sometimes chords with a stretched fingering are required. If not otherwise specified the context-property maximumFretStretch is set to 4, though. Resulting in a warning about "No string for pitch ..." and the note is omitted. You may set maximumFretStretch to an approppriate value or explecitely assign string-numbers to all notes of a chord.

%% The code below will print two warnings, which may be omitted by uncommenting:
%#(for-each (lambda (x) (ly:expect-warning "No string for pitch")) (iota 2))

mus = {
  <c' bes'>
  <c'\2 bes'>
  \set maximumFretStretch = 5
  <c' bes'>
  <c'\2 bes'\1>

  \new FretBoards \mus
  \new TabVoice \mus

[image of music]

Controlar la col·locación de les digitacions d’acords

Es pot controlar amb precisió la col·locació dels números de digitació. Perquè es tingui en compte l’orientació de les digitacions, es pot utilitzar una construcció d’acord <> tot i que siguin una sola nota.

\relative c' {
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  <c-1 e-3 a-5>4
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
  <c-1 e-3 a-5>4
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down right up)
  <c-1 e-3 a-5>4
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
  <c-1 e-3 a-5>4
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
  \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(up left down)
  <f\3 a\2 c\1>1
  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down right up)
  <c\rightHandFinger #1 e\rightHandFinger #2 c'\rightHandFinger #4 >

[image of music]

Personalitzar els diagrames de posicions

Es poden establir les propietats dels diagrames de posicions d’acords per mitjà de 'fret-diagram-details. Per als diagrames de posicions de FretBoard, s’apliquen els overrides (sobreescriptures) a l’objecte FretBoards.FretBoard. Com Voice, FretBoards és un context del nivell inferior, i per tant es pot ometre el seu nom a la sobreescriptura de propietats.

\include ""
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode { c' }

% shorthand
oo = #(define-music-function
       (grob-path value)
       (list? scheme?)
       #{ \once \override $grob-path = #value #})

  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode { c1 | c | c | d }
  \new FretBoards {
    % Set global properties of fret diagram
    \override FretBoards.FretBoard.size = #'1.2
    \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot
    \override = #'white
    \chordmode {
      \oo FretBoard.size #'1.0
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.barre-type #'straight
      \oo #'black
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code #'below-string
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.barre-type #'none
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.number-type #'arabic
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation #'landscape
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.mute-string #"M"
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.label-dir #LEFT
      \oo #'black
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code #'below-string
      \oo #0.35
      \oo #0.5
      \oo FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.fret-count #3
  \new Voice {
    c'1 | c' | c' | d'

[image of music]

Personalitzar diagrames de posicions de marcatge

Es poden establir les propietats dels diagrames de posicions a través de 'fret-diagram-details. Per als diagrames de posicions de marcatge, es poden aplicar overrides (sobreescriptures) a l’objecte Voice.TextScript o directament a l’element de marcatge.

  \chords { c1 | c | c | d }

  \new Voice = "mel" {
    % Set global properties of fret diagram
    \override TextScript.size = #'1.2
    \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot
    \override = #'white

    %% C major for guitar, no barre, using defaults
       % terse style
    c'1^\markup { \fret-diagram-terse "x;3-3;2-2;o;1-1;o;" }

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
       % verbose style
       % size 1.0
       % roman fret label, finger labels below string, straight barre
    c'1^\markup {
      % standard size
      \override #'(size . 1.0) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-lower)
                     (finger-code . in-dot)
                     (barre-type . straight))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
       % verbose style
       % landscape orientation, arabic numbers, M for mute string
       % no barre, fret label down or left, small mute label font
    c'1^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (number-type . arabic)
                   (label-dir . -1)
                   (mute-string . "M")
                   (orientation . landscape)
                   (barre-type . none)
                   (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                   (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
        \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                 (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                 (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                 (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                 (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                 (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                 (barre 5 1 3))

    %% simple D chord
       % terse style
       % larger dots, centered dots, fewer frets
       % label below string
    d'1^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

[image of music]

Definició de posicions predefinides per a d’altres instruments

Es poden afegir diagrames de posicions predefinides per a instruments nous a més dels estàndard que s’usen per a la guitarra. Aquest fitxer mostra com es fa, definint una afinació nova i unes quantes posicions per al cuatro veneçolà.

Aquest fitxer també mostra com es poden incloure les digitacions als acords que s’usen com punts de referència per a la cerca d’acords a la taula, i mostrar-se al diagrama de posiciones i la tabulatura TabStaff, però no a la música.

Aquestes posicions no es poden transportar perquè contenen informació de les cordes. Hi ha plans per corregir això en un futur.

% add FretBoards for the Cuatro
%   Note: This section could be put into a separate file
%      and \included into each of your compositions

cuatroTuning = #`(,(ly:make-pitch 0 6 0)
                  ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 SHARP)
		  ,(ly:make-pitch 1 1 0)
		  ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 0))

dSix = { <a\4 b\1 d\3 fis\2> }
dMajor = { <a\4 d\1 d\3 fis \2> }
aMajSeven = { <a\4 cis\1 e\3 g\2> }
dMajSeven = { <a\4 c\1 d\3 fis\2> }
gMajor = { <b\4 b\1 d\3 g\2> }

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \dSix
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \dMajor
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \aMajSeven
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \dMajSeven
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \gMajor

% end of potential include file /

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

primerosNames = \chordmode {
  d:6 d a:maj7 d:maj7
primeros = {
  \dSix \dMajor \aMajSeven \dMajSeven

\score {
    \new ChordNames {
      \set chordChanges = ##t

    \new Staff {
      \new Voice \with {
        \remove "New_fingering_engraver"
      \relative c'' {

    \new FretBoards {
      \set Staff.stringTunings = #cuatroTuning
%      \override FretBoard
%        #'(fret-diagram-details string-count) = 4
      \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'in-dot

    \new TabStaff \relative c'' {
      \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #cuatroTuning


  \layout {
    \context {
      \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration =
        #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
  \midi { }

[image of music]

Simular un hammer o lligat ascendent a una tabulatura

Es pot simular un “hammer” o lligat ascendent amb lligadures d’expressió.

\score {
  \new TabStaff {
    \relative c'' {
      c4( d) d( d)
      d2( c)

[image of music]

Digitacions - indicació del nombre de corda i digitacions de ma dreta

En aquest exemple es combinen les digitacions de la ma esquerra, indicacions del nombre de corda i digitacions de la ma dreta.

#(define RH rightHandFinger)

\relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"
  <c-3\5\RH #1 >4
  <e-2\4\RH #2 >4
  <g-0\3\RH #3 >4
  <c-1\2\RH #4 >4

[image of music]

Notació del flamenco

Per a la guitarra flamenca s’utilitzen certs elements de notació especials:

Gairebé totes les figures utilitzen fletxes combinades amb digitacions; amb els ventalls i els rasguejos, les notes s’imprimeixen amb cap sol al primer acord.

Aquest fragment de codi conté codi de tipus capçalera que es pot copiar com ‘’ i incloure’s en els documents font.

%%%%%%%  Cut here ----- Start ''

% Text indicators :
abanico = ^\markup\small { \italic Abanico }
rasgueado = ^\markup\small { \italic Ras. }
alzapua = ^\markup\small { \italic Alzapua }

% Finger stroke symbols :
strokeUp = \markup\combine\override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(0 . 2)\raise #2 \arrow-head #Y #UP ##f
strokeDown = \markup\combine\arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(0 . 2)

% Golpe symbol :
golpe = \markup {
  \filled-box #'(0 . 1) #'(0 . 1) #0
  \hspace #-1.6
  \with-color #white
  \filled-box #'(0.15 . 0.85) #'(0.15 . 0.85) #0

% Strokes, fingers and golpe command :
RHp = \rightHandFinger #1
RHi = \rightHandFinger #2
RHm = \rightHandFinger #3
RHa = \rightHandFinger #4
RHx = \rightHandFinger #5
RHu = \rightHandFinger \strokeUp
RHd = \rightHandFinger \strokeDown
RHg = \rightHandFinger \golpe

% Just handy :)
tupletOff = {
  \once \omit TupletNumber
  \once \omit TupletBracket

tupletsOff = {
  \omit TupletNumber
  \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam

tupletsOn = {
  \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = #'default
  \undo \omit TupletNumber

headsOff = {
  \hide TabNoteHead
  \hide NoteHead
  \override = ##t

headsOn = {
  \override TabNoteHead.transparent = ##f
  \override NoteHead.transparent = ##f
  \override = ##f

%%%%%%%  Cut here ----- End ''

part = \relative c' {
  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
  \key a\major
  <a, e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi\RHg>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8
  <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHa>16\rasgueado
  <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHm>
  <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
  <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>~
  <a e' a cis e>2
  \tuplet 5/4 {
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>16\rasgueado
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHa>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHm>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
    <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>~
  <a e' a cis e>2
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8\abanico
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>
    <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>
  \override Beam.positions = #'(2 . 2)
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <e' a\RHu\RHg>
    <e a\RHd>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <e' a\RHu\RHg>
    <e a\RHd>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <e' a\RHu\RHg>
    <e a\RHd>
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    <e' a\RHu\RHg>
    <e a\RHd>
  <a, e' a\RHu\RHm>1
  \bar "|."

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \context Staff = "part" <<
      \clef "G_8"
    \context TabStaff {
  \layout {
    ragged-right = ##t

[image of music]

Diagrames de posicions d’acord, explicats i desenvolupats

Aquest fragment de codi presenta moltes possibilitat per obtenir diagrames de posicions d’acord i com ajustar-los.

  \chords {
    a2 a
    \repeat unfold 3 {
      c c c d d

  \new Voice = "mel" {
    % Set global properties of fret diagram
    \override TextScript.size = #1.2
    \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.finger-code = #'below-string
    \override = #'black

    %% A chord for ukulele
    a'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (string-count . 4)
                   (dot-color . white)
                   (finger-code . in-dot))) {
        \fret-diagram "4-2-2;3-1-1;2-o;1-o;"

    %% A chord for ukulele, with formatting defined in definition string
    %  1.2 * size, 4 strings, 4 frets, fingerings below string
    %  dot radius .35 of fret spacing, dot position 0.55 of fret spacing
    a'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (dot-color . white)
                   (open-string . "o"))) {
        \fret-diagram "s:1.2;w:4;h:3;f:2;d:0.35;p:0.55;4-2-2;3-1-1;2-o;1-o;"

      %% These chords will be in normal orientation

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %  verbose style
    %  roman fret label, finger labels below string, straight barre
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-lower)
                     (finger-code . below-string)
                     (barre-type . straight))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %% Double barre used to test barre function
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . arabic)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . in-dot)
                     (fret-label-font-mag . 0.6)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0)
                     (label-dir . -1)
                     (mute-string . "M")
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 4 2 5)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, with capo on third fret
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-upper)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . none)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0.5)
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (capo 3)
                                   (open 5)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 1)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 3)
                                   (open 1))

    %% simple D chord
    d'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (string-thickness-factor . 0.3)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

    %% simple D chord, large top fret thickness
    d'2^\markup  {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (top-fret-thickness . 7)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

      % These chords will be in landscape orientation
    \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.orientation = #'landscape

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %  verbose style
    %  roman fret label, finger labels below string, straight barre
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-lower)
                     (finger-code . below-string)
                     (barre-type . straight))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %% Double barre used to test barre function
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . arabic)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . in-dot)
                     (fret-label-font-mag . 0.6)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0)
                     (label-dir . -1)
                     (mute-string . "M")
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 4 2 5)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, with capo on third fret
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-upper)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . none)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0.5)
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (capo 3)
                                   (open 5)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 1)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 3)
                                   (open 1))

    %% simple D chord
    d'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

    %% simple D chord, large top fret thickness
    d'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (top-fret-thickness . 7)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

      % These chords will be in opposing-landscape orientation
    \override TextScript.fret-diagram-details.orientation = #'opposing-landscape

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %  verbose style
    %  roman fret label, finger labels below string, straight barre
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-lower)
                     (finger-code . below-string)
                     (barre-type . straight))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, barred on third fret
    %% Double barre used to test barre function
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . arabic)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . in-dot)
                     (fret-label-font-mag . 0.6)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0)
                     (label-dir . -1)
                     (mute-string . "M")
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (place-fret 5 3 1)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 3)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 4)
                                   (place-fret 1 3 1)
                                   (barre 4 2 5)
                                   (barre 5 1 3))

    %% C major for guitar, with capo on third fret
    %  verbose style
    c'2^\markup {
      % 110% of default size
      \override #'(size . 1.1) {
        \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                     (number-type . roman-upper)
                     (dot-label-font-mag . 0.9)
                     (finger-code . none)
                     (fret-label-vertical-offset . 0.5)
                     (xo-font-magnification . 0.4)
                     (xo-padding . 0.3))) {
          \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6)
                                   (capo 3)
                                   (open 5)
                                   (place-fret 4 5 1)
                                   (place-fret 3 5 2)
                                   (place-fret 2 5 3)
                                   (open 1))

    %% simple D chord
    d'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

    %% simple D chord, large top fret thickness
    d'2^\markup {
      \override #'(fret-diagram-details . (
                   (finger-code . below-string)
                   (dot-radius . 0.35)
                   (dot-position . 0.5)
                   (top-fret-thickness . 7)
                   (fret-count . 3))) {
        \fret-diagram-terse "x;x;o;2-1;3-2;2-3;"

[image of music]

Taules alternatives de diagrames de posicions

Es poden crear taules alternatives de diagrames de posicions. S’utilitzarien per tenir diagrames alternatius per un acord donat.

Per usar una taula alternativa de diagrames de posicions, s’ha de crear primer la taula. Després s’afegeixen els diagrames a la taula.

La taula de diagrames de posicions que es crea pot estar buida o es pot copiar a partir d’una taula existent.

La taula a usar en la impressió dels diagrames predefinits se selecciona per mitjà de la propietat \predefinedDiagramTable.

\include ""

% Make a blank new fretboard table
#(define custom-fretboard-table-one

% Make a new fretboard table as a copy of default-fret-table
#(define custom-fretboard-table-two
   (make-fretboard-table default-fret-table))

% Add a chord to custom-fretboard-table-one
\storePredefinedDiagram #custom-fretboard-table-one
                        \chordmode {c}

% Add a chord to custom-fretboard-table-two
\storePredefinedDiagram #custom-fretboard-table-two
                        \chordmode {c}

  \chords {
    c1 | d1 |
    c1 | d1 |
    c1 | d1 |
  \new FretBoards {
    \chordmode {
      \set predefinedDiagramTable = #default-fret-table
      c1 | d1 |
      \set predefinedDiagramTable = #custom-fretboard-table-one
      c1 | d1 |
      \set predefinedDiagramTable = #custom-fretboard-table-two
      c1 | d1 |
  \new Staff {
    \clef "treble_8"
      \chordmode {
        c1 | d1 |
        c1 | d1 |
        c1 | d1 |
        s1_\markup "Default table" | s1 |
        s1_\markup \column {"New table" "from empty"} | s1 |
        s1_\markup \column {"New table" "from default"} | s1 |

[image of music]

Harmònics sobre cordes pisades en tabulatura

Harmònics sobre cordes trepitjades (harmònics artificials):

pinchedHarmonics = {
   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
      \markup {\halign #-0.5 \teeny "PH" }
      \override =
   \override TextSpanner.dash-period = #0.6
   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.attach-dir = #1
   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text =
      \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 1) }
   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.padding = #-0.5

harmonics = {
  %artificial harmonics (AH)
  <\parenthesize b b'\harmonic>4_\markup { \teeny "AH 16" }
  <\parenthesize g g'\harmonic>4_\markup { \teeny "AH 17" }
  <\parenthesize d' d''\harmonic>2_\markup { \teeny "AH 19" }
  %pinched harmonics (PH)
  %tapped harmonics (TH)
  <\parenthesize g\4 g'\harmonic>4_\markup { \teeny "TH 17" }
  <\parenthesize a\4 a'\harmonic>4_\markup { \teeny "TH 19" }
  <\parenthesize c'\3 c''\harmonic>2_\markup { \teeny "TH 17" }
  %touch harmonics (TCH)
  a4( <e''\harmonic>2. )_\markup { \teeny "TCH" }

frettedStrings = {
  %artificial harmonics (AH)
  \harmonicByFret #4 g4\3
  \harmonicByFret #5 d4\4
  \harmonicByFret #7 g2\3
  %pinched harmonics (PH)
  \harmonicByFret #7 d2\4
  \harmonicByFret #5 d4\4
  \harmonicByFret #7 a4\5
  %tapped harmonics (TH)
  \harmonicByFret #5 d4\4
  \harmonicByFret #7 d4\4
  \harmonicByFret #5 g2\3
  %touch harmonics (TCH)
  a4 \harmonicByFret #9 g2.\3

\score {
    \new Staff
    \with { \omit StringNumber } {
      \new Voice {
        \clef "treble_8"
    \new TabStaff {
      \new TabVoice {

[image of music]

Lligadures de guitarra

A diferència dels glissandos, els ‘slides’ o lligadures poden partir d’un punt imprecís del màstil fins un trast específic. Una bona forma de fer-ho es afegir una nota de mordent oculta abans de la nota real, com es mostra a l’exemple següent.

%% Hide fret number: useful to draw slide into/from a casual point of
%% the fretboard.
hideFretNumber = {
  \once \hide TabNoteHead
  \once \hide NoteHead
  \once \hide Stem
  \once \override = ##t
  \once \override Glissando.bound-details.left.padding = #0.3

music= \relative c' {
  \grace { \hideFretNumber d8\2 \glissando s2 } g2\2
  \grace { \hideFretNumber g8\2 \glissando s2 } d2 |

  \grace { \hideFretNumber c,8 \glissando s } f4\5^\markup \tiny { Slide into }
  \grace { \hideFretNumber f8 \glissando s } a4\4
  \grace { \hideFretNumber e'8\3 \glissando s } b4\3^\markup \tiny { Slide from }
  \grace { \hideFretNumber b'8 \glissando s2 } g4 |

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \clef "G_8"
    \new TabStaff {

[image of music]

Ritmes rasguejats de guitarra

Per a la música de guitarra, és possible mostrar els ritmes de rasgueig, a més de les notes de la melodia, acords i diagrames de posicions.

\include ""
  \new ChordNames {
    \chordmode {
      c1 | f | g | c
  \new FretBoards {
    \chordmode {
      c1 | f | g | c
  \new Voice \with {
    \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
  } {
    \relative c'' {
      c4 c8 c c4 c8 c
      f4 f8 f f4 f8 f
      g4 g8 g g4 g8 g
      c4 c8 c c4 c8 c
  \new Voice = "melody" {
    \relative c'' {
      c2 e4 e4
      f2. r4
      g2. a4
      e4 c2.
  \new Lyrics {
    \lyricsto "melody" {
      This is my song.
      I like to sing.

[image of music]

Hammer on and pull off

Hammer-on and pull-off can be obtained using slurs.

\new TabStaff {
  \relative c' {
    d4( e\2)
    a( g)

[image of music]

Hammer on and pull off using chords

When using hammer-on or pull-off with chorded notes, only a single arc is drawn. However “double arcs” are possible by setting the doubleSlurs property to #t.

\new TabStaff {
  \relative c' {
    % chord hammer-on and pull-off
    \set doubleSlurs = ##t
    <g' b>8( <a c> <g b>)

[image of music]

Hammer on and pull off using voices

The arc of hammer-on and pull-off is upwards in voices one and three and downwards in voices two and four:

\new TabStaff {
  \relative c' {
    << { \voiceOne g2( a) }
    \\ { \voiceTwo a,( b) }
    >> \oneVoice

[image of music]

Com canviar la posició d’un diagrama de posicions

Si volem moure un diagrama de posicions d’acord, per exemple, per evitar una col·lisió, o situar-lo entre dues notes, tenim diverses possibilitats:

1) modificar els valors de farciment #’padding o del desplaçament addicional #’extra-offset (como es mostra en el primer exemple)

2) podem afegir una veu invisible i adjuntar els diagrames de posicions a les notes invisibles d’aquesta veu (com es veu en el segon exemple).

Si hem de moure el diagrama segons una posició rítmica dins del compàs (a l’exemple, la tercera part del compàs) és millor el segon exemple, perquè el diagrama s’alinea amb la tercera pulsació per si sol

harmonies = \chordmode
  \once \override ChordNames.ChordName.extra-offset = #'(10 . 0)
  b8:13 s2.
    s4 s4  b4:13

    \new ChordNames \harmonies
    \new Staff
    {a8^\markup { \fret-diagram  "6-x;5-0;4-2;3-0;2-0;1-2;"  }
     \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(10 . 0)
     b4.~^\markup { \fret-diagram  "6-x;5-2;4-4;3-2;2-2;1-4;"  } b4. a8\break
       { a8 b4.~ b4. a8}
       { s4 s4 s4^\markup { \fret-diagram  "6-x;5-2;4-4;3-2;2-2;1-4;"  }

[image of music]

Plantilla per a combo de jazz

Això és una plantilla força avançada, per a un conjunt de jazz. Observeu que la notació de tots els instruments està a \key c \major (Do major). Això es refereix al to de concert; l’armadura es transporta automàticament si la música està dins d’una secció \transpose.

\header {
  title = "Song"
  subtitle = "(tune)"
  composer = "Me"
  meter = "moderato"
  piece = "Swing"
  tagline = \markup {
    \column {
      "LilyPond example file by Amelie Zapf,"
      "Berlin 07/07/2003"
% To make the example display in the documentation
\paper {
  paper-width = 130
%#(set-global-staff-size 16)
\include ""

%%%%%%%%%%%% Some macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

sl = {
  \override = #'slash
  \hide Stem
nsl = {
  \undo \hide Stem
crOn = \override = #'cross
crOff = \revert

%% insert chord name style stuff here.

jazzChords = { }

%%%%%%%%%%%% Keys'n'thangs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

global = { \time 4/4 }

Key = { \key c \major }

% ############ Horns ############

% ------ Trumpet ------
trpt = \transpose c d \relative c'' {
  c1 | c | c |
trpHarmony = \transpose c' d {
trumpet = {
  \clef treble

% ------ Alto Saxophone ------
alto = \transpose c a \relative c' {
  c1 | c | c |
altoHarmony = \transpose c' a {
altoSax = {
  \clef treble

% ------ Baritone Saxophone ------
bari = \transpose c a' \relative c {
  d4^"Solo" d d d
bariHarmony = \transpose c' a \chordmode {
  \jazzChords s1 s d2:maj e:m7
bariSax = {
  \clef treble

% ------ Trombone ------
tbone = \relative c {
  c1 | c | c
tboneHarmony = \chordmode {
trombone = {
  \clef bass

% ############ Rhythm Section #############

% ------ Guitar ------
gtr = \relative c'' {
  b4 b b b
gtrHarmony = \chordmode {
  s1 c2:min7+ d2:maj9
guitar = {
  \clef treble

%% ------ Piano ------
rhUpper = \relative c'' {
  c1 | c | c
rhLower = \relative c' {
  e1 | e | e

lhUpper = \relative c' {
  g1 | g | g
lhLower = \relative c {
  c1 | c | c

PianoRH = {
  \clef treble
    \new Voice = "one" \rhUpper
    \new Voice = "two" \rhLower
PianoLH = {
  \clef bass
    \new Voice = "one" \lhUpper
    \new Voice = "two" \lhLower

piano = {
    \new Staff = "upper" \PianoRH
    \new Staff = "lower" \PianoLH

% ------ Bass Guitar ------
Bass = \relative c {
  c1 | c | c
bass = {
  \clef bass

% ------ Drums ------
up = \drummode {
  hh4 <hh sn> hh <hh sn>
  hh4 <hh sn> hh <hh sn>
  hh4 <hh sn> hh <hh sn>
down = \drummode {
  bd4 s bd s
  bd4 s bd s
  bd4 s bd s

drumContents = {
    \new DrumVoice \up
    \new DrumVoice \down

%%%%%%%%% It All Goes Together Here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\score {
    \new StaffGroup = "horns" <<
      \new Staff = "trumpet" \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet" }
      \new Staff = "altosax" \with { instrumentName = "Alto Sax" }
      \new ChordNames = "barichords" \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet" }
      \new Staff = "barisax" \with { instrumentName = "Bari Sax" }
      \new Staff = "trombone" \with { instrumentName = "Trombone" }

    \new StaffGroup = "rhythm" <<
      \new ChordNames = "chords" \gtrHarmony
      \new Staff = "guitar" \with { instrumentName = "Guitar" }
      \new PianoStaff = "piano" \with {
        instrumentName = "Piano"
        midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
      \new Staff = "bass" \with { instrumentName = "Bass" }
      \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Drums" }
  \layout {
    \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
    \context {
      \override BarNumber.padding = #3
      \override RehearsalMark.padding = #2
      skipBars = ##t
  \midi { }

[image of music]

Lligaduras “Laissez vibrer”

Les lligadures “Laissez vibrer” (deixar vibrar) tenen una mida fixa. Es pot ajustar el seu format usant 'tie-configuration.

\relative c' {
  <c e g>4\laissezVibrer r <c f g>\laissezVibrer r
  <c d f g>4\laissezVibrer r <c d f g>4.\laissezVibrer r8

  <c d e f>4\laissezVibrer r
  \override LaissezVibrerTieColumn.tie-configuration
     = #`((-7 . ,DOWN)
          (-5 . ,DOWN)
          (-3 . ,UP)
          (-1 . ,UP))
  <c d e f>4\laissezVibrer r

[image of music]

Let TabStaff print the topmost string at bottom

In tablatures usually the first string is printed topmost. If you want to have it at the bottom change the stringOneTopmost-context-property. For a context-wide setting this could be done in layout as well.

%\layout {
%  \context {
%    \Score
%    stringOneTopmost = ##f
%  }
%  \context {
%    \TabStaff
%    tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
%  }

m = {
  e, b, e gis! b e'
  \bar "||"

  \new Staff { \clef "G_8" <>_"default" \m <>_"italian (historic)"\m }
  \new TabStaff
    \set Score.stringOneTopmost = ##f
    \set TabStaff.tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format

[image of music]

Donar format a tabulatures amb lletres

Es pot donar format a la tabulatura usant lletres en comptes de nombres.

music = \relative c {
  c4 d e f
  g4 a b c
  d4 e f g

  \new Staff {
    \clef "G_8"
  \new TabStaff \with {
    tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format

[image of music]

Referència per a armònics sobre cordes a l’aire

Referència per a armònics sobre cordes a l’aire (armònics naturals):

openStringHarmonics = {
  \override TextSpanner.staff-padding = #3
  \override TextSpanner.dash-fraction = #0.3
  \override TextSpanner.dash-period = #1

  %first harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "1st harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #12 e,2\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/2 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %second harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "2nd harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #7 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/3 e,\6
  \harmonicByFret #19 e,\6
  \harmonicByRatio #2/3 e,\6\stopTextSpan
  %\harmonicByFret #19 < e,\6 a,\5 d\4 >
  %\harmonicByRatio #2/3 < e,\6 a,\5 d\4 >

  %third harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "3rd harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #5 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/4 e,\6
  \harmonicByFret #24 e,\6
  \harmonicByRatio #3/4 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %fourth harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "4th harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #4 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/5 e,\6
  \harmonicByFret #9 e,\6
  \harmonicByRatio #2/5 e,\6
  \harmonicByFret #16 e,\6
  \harmonicByRatio #3/5 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %fifth harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "5th harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #3 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/6 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %sixth harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "6th harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #2.7 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/7 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %seventh harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "7th harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #2.3 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/8 e,\6\stopTextSpan

  %eighth harmonic
  \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
    \markup\small "8th harm. "
  \harmonicByFret #2 e,\6\startTextSpan
  \harmonicByRatio #1/9 e,\6\stopTextSpan

\score {
    \new Staff
    \with { \omit StringNumber } {
      \new Voice {
        \clef "treble_8"
    \new TabStaff {
      \new TabVoice {

[image of music]

Posicionament de digitacions de mà dreta

És possible exercir un control més gran sobre la col·locació de les digitacions de la mà dreta establint el valor d’una propietat específica, com es mostra a l’exemple següent. Nota: s’ha d’usar una construcció d’acord.

#(define RH rightHandFinger)

\relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"

  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up down)
  <c\RH #1 e\RH #2 g\RH #3 c\RH #4 >4

  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up right down)
  <c\RH #1 e\RH #2 g\RH #3 c\RH #4 >4

  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
  <c\RH #1 e\RH #2 g\RH #3 c\RH #4 >2

  \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(right)
  c\RH #1

[image of music]

Polifonia en tabulatures

La polifonia es crea de la mateixa forma en un TabStaff que en una pauta normal.

upper = \relative c' {
  \time 12/8
  \key e \minor
  r4. r8 e, fis g16 b g e e' b c b a g fis e

lower = \relative c {
  \key e \minor
  r16 e d c b a g4 fis8 e fis g a b c

\score {
    \new StaffGroup = "tab with traditional" <<
      \new Staff = "guitar traditional" <<
        \clef "treble_8"
        \new Voice = "upper" \upper
        \new Voice = "lower" \lower
      \new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
        \new TabVoice = "upper" \upper
        \new TabVoice = "lower" \lower

[image of music]

Lliscats en tabulatura

Els lliscats es poden gravar tant als contextos de Staff como en los de TabStaff:

slides = {
  c'8\3(\glissando d'8\3)
  c'8\3\glissando d'8\3
  \grace { g16\glissando }
  \afterGrace d'4\3\glissando {
  \stemDown \hideNotes
  g16 }

\score {
    \new Staff { \clef "treble_8" \slides }
    \new TabStaff { \slides }
  \layout {
    \context {
      \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
      \override Glissando.springs-and-rods =
      \override Glissando.thickness = #2
      \omit StringNumber
      % or:
      %\override StringNumber.stencil = ##f

[image of music]

Comportament de les pliques i les barres de corxera en tabulatures

La direcció de les pliques es controla de la mateixa forma a la tabulatura que en la notació tradicional. Les barres es poden posar horitzontals, com es mostra en aquest exemple.

\new TabStaff {
  \relative c {
    g16 b d g b d g b
    \override Beam.concaveness = #10000
    g,,16 b d g b d g b

[image of music]

Línies d’extensió per a nombre de corda

Fem una línia extensora per a les indicacions de nombre de corda, mostrant que una sèrie de notes s’han de tocar sobre la mateixa corda.

stringNumberSpanner =
  #(define-music-function (StringNumber) (string?)
      \override = #'solid
      \override TextSpanner.font-size = #-5
      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER
      \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =
        \markup { \circle \number $StringNumber }

\relative c {
  \clef "treble_8"
  \stringNumberSpanner "5"
  b c d e f\stopTextSpan
  \stringNumberSpanner "4"
  g\startTextSpan a
  bes4 a g2\stopTextSpan

[image of music]

LilyPond — Fragments v2.24.4 (branca estable).