World music
World music
Arabic improvisation
For improvisations or taqasim which are temporarily free, the
time signature can be omitted and \cadenzaOn
can be
used. Adjusting the accidental style might be required, since the
absence of bar lines will cause the accidental to be marked only
once. Here is an example of what could be the start of a hijaz
\include ""
\relative sol' {
\key re \kurd
\accidentalStyle forget
sol4 sol sol sol fad mib sol1 fad8 mib re4. r8 mib1 fad sol
![[image of music]](../36/lily-fc72dd12.png)
Makam example
Makam is a type of melody from Turkey using 1/9th-tone microtonal
Consult the initialization file ‘ly/’ for details of
pitch names and alterations.
% Initialize makam settings
\include ""
\relative c' {
\set Staff.keyAlterations = #`((6 . ,(- KOMA)) (3 . ,BAKIYE))
c4 cc db fk
gbm4 gfc gfb efk
fk4 db cc c
![[image of music]](../e9/lily-07b35614.png)
Printing text from right to left
It is possible to print text from right to left in a markup object, as
demonstrated here.
b1^\markup {
\line { i n g i r u m i m u s n o c t e }
f'_\markup {
\override #'(text-direction . -1)
\line { i n g i r u m i m u s n o c t e }
![[image of music]](../93/lily-a30188d4.png)
Turkish Makam example
This template uses the start of a well-known Turkish Saz Semai that is
familiar in the repertoire in order to illustrate some of the elements
of Turkish music notation.
\paper { = ##f }
% Initialize makam settings
\include ""
\header {
= "Hüseyni Saz Semaisi"
= "Lavtacı Andon"
\relative {
\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
\key a \huseyni
\time 10/8
a'4 g'16 [fb] e8. [d16] d [c d e] c [d c8] bfc |
a16 [bfc a8] bfc c16 [d c8] d16 [e d8] e4 fb8 |
d4 a'8 a16 [g fb e] fb8 [g] a8. [b16] a16 [g] |
g4 g16 [fb] fb8. [e16] e [g fb e] e4 r8 |
![[image of music]](../c4/lily-25aec167.png)