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Alinear i centrar els noms dels instruments
L’alineació horitzontal dels noms d’instruments es pot ajustar
modificant la propietat Staff.InstrumentName #'self-alignment-X
Les variables de \layout
, indent
i short-indent
defineixen l’espai en el qual s’alineen els noms d’instrument abans
del primer sistema i dels següents, respectivament.
\paper { left-margin = 3\cm } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #LEFT instrumentName = \markup \left-column { "Left aligned" "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Left" } { c''1 \break c''1 } \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #CENTER instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Centered "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Centered" } { g'1 g'1} \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT instrumentName = \markup \right-column { "Right aligned" "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Right" } { e'1 e'1 } >> \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 4\cm short-indent = 2\cm } }
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Arranging separate lyrics on a single line
Sometimes you may want to put lyrics for different performers on a
single line: where there is rapidly alternating text, for
example. This snippet shows how this can be done with
\override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.minimum-distance = ##f
\layout { \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.minimum-distance = ##f } } aliceSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Alice" } eveSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Eve" } << \new Staff << \new Voice = "alice" { f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 | s1 | f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 | s1 | \break % ... \voiceOne s2 a'8^\aliceSings a' b'4 | \oneVoice g'1 } \new Voice = "eve" { s1 | a'2^\eveSings g' | s1 | a'2^\eveSings g' % ... \voiceTwo f'4^\eveSings a'8 g' f'4 e' | \oneVoice s1 } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alice" { may -- be sec -- ond % ... Shut up, you fool! } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "eve" { that the words are % ... …and then I was like– } >>
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Parts de llibre
Es pot usar \bookpart
per dividir un llibre en diverses
parts. L’última pàgina de cada part pot quedar afectada pel valor
de ragged-last-bottom
. Els elements de marcatge
d’encapçalament i peu de pàgina pot detectar que estiguin en la
ultima pàgina d’una part, i presentar diferències amb l’última
pàgina del llibre.
#(set-default-paper-size "a6") \book { %% book paper, which is inherited by all children bookparts \paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##t %% Page footer: add a different part-tagline at part last page oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \column { \fill-line { %% Copyright header field only on book first page. \if \on-first-page \fromproperty #'header:copyright } \fill-line { %% Part tagline header field only on each part last page. \if \on-last-page-of-part \fromproperty #'header:parttagline } \fill-line { %% Tagline header field only on book last page. \if \on-last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline } } } } %% book header, which is inherited by the first bookpart \header { title = "Book title" copyright = "Copyright line on book first page" parttagline = "Part tagline" tagline = "Book tagline" } \bookpart { %% a different page breaking function may be used on each part \paper { page-breaking = #ly:minimal-breaking } \header { subtitle = "First part" } \markup { The first book part } \markup { a page break } \pageBreak \markup { first part last page } \markup \wordwrap { with ragged-last-bottom (see the space below this text) } } \bookpart { \header { subtitle = "Second part" } { c'4 } } }
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Modificar la mida de la pauta
Tot i que la manera més senzilla de redimensionar els pentagrames és
usar #(set-global-staff-size xx)
, la mida d’una pauta
individual es pot canviar escalant les propietats de
i de fontSize
<< \new Staff { \relative c'' { \dynamicDown c8\ff c c c c c c c } } \new Staff \with { fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3) } { \clef bass c8 c c c c\f c c c } >>
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Retallada de sistemes
This code shows how to clip (extract) snippets from a full score.
This file needs to be run separately with -dclip-systems
; the
snippets page may not adequately show the results. The result will be
files named
If system starts and ends are included, they include extents of the System grob, e.g., instrument names.
Grace notes at the end point of the region are not included.
Regions can span multiple systems. In this case, multiple EPS files are generated.
#(ly:set-option 'clip-systems) #(define output-suffix "1") origScore = \score { \relative c' { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Instrument" } c1 d1 \grace c16 e1 \key d \major f1 \break \clef bass g,1 fis1 } } \book { \score { \origScore \layout { % Each clip-region is a (START . END) pair % where both are rhythmic-locations. % (make-rhythmic-locations BAR-NUMBER NUM DEN) % means NUM/DEN whole-notes into bar numbered BAR-NUMBER clip-regions = #(list (cons (make-rhythmic-location 2 0 1) (make-rhythmic-location 4 0 1)) (cons (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1) (make-rhythmic-location 4 0 1)) (cons (make-rhythmic-location 0 0 1) (make-rhythmic-location 6 0 1)) ) } } } #(ly:set-option 'clip-systems #f) #(define output-suffix #f) \book { \score { \origScore } \markup { \bold \fontsize #6 clips } \score { \lyrics { \markup { from-2.0.1-to-4.0.1-clip.eps } \markup { \epsfile #X #30.0 #(format #f "~a-1-from-2.0.1-to-4.0.1-clip.eps" (ly:parser-output-name)) } } } }
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Crear pentagrames en blanc
Per crear pentagrames en blanc, genereu compassos buits i després
elimineu el gravador de números de compàs Bar_number_engraver
del context Score
, i els gravadors de la indicacó de compàs
, de la clau Clef_engraver
dels compassos Bar_engraver
del context de Staff
#(set-global-staff-size 20) \score { { \repeat unfold 12 { s1 \break } } \layout { indent = 0\in \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } } % uncomment these lines for "letter" size %{ \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") ragged-last-bottom = ##f line-width = 7.5\in left-margin = 0.5\in bottom-margin = 0.25\in top-margin = 0.25\in } %} % uncomment these lines for "A4" size %{ \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") ragged-last-bottom = ##f line-width = 180 left-margin = 15 bottom-margin = 10 top-margin = 10 } %}
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Mostra de cadascú dels encapçalaments possibles
Mostra de tots els tipus d’encapçalament.
\header { copyright = "copyright" title = "title" subtitle = "subtitle" composer = "composer" arranger = "arranger" instrument = "instrument" meter = "meter" opus = "opus" piece = "piece" poet = "poet" texidoc = "All header fields with special meanings." copyright = "public domain" enteredby = "jcn" source = "urtext" } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } \score { \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c } } \score { \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c } \header { title = "localtitle" subtitle = "localsubtitle" composer = "localcomposer" arranger = "localarranger" instrument = "localinstrument" metre = "localmetre" opus = "localopus" piece = "localpiece" poet = "localpoet" copyright = "localcopyright" } }
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Fixació d’un separador entre els sistemes
Es poden inserir separadors de sistema entre els sistemes d’una pàgina.
Es pot usar qualsevol element de marcatge, però hi ha
com una elecció predeterminada adequada.
\paper { system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator line-width = 120 } notes = \relative c' { c1 | c \break c1 | c \break c1 | c } \book { \score { \new GrandStaff << \new Staff \notes \new Staff \notes >> } }
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Índex general (taul de continguts)
Es pot incloure un índex general (taula de continguts) mitjançant
ús de \markuplines \table-of-contents
. Els elements de la
taula de continguts s’afageixen amb l’ordre \tocItem
#(set-default-paper-size "a6") \book { \markuplist \table-of-contents \pageBreak \tocItem \markup { The first score } \score { { c'1 \pageBreak \mark \default \tocItem \markup { Mark A } d'1 } } \pageBreak \tocItem \markup { The second score } \score { { e'1 } \header { piece = "Second score" } } }
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Grups de pentagrames alineats verticalment sense una barra SystemStartBar que els interconnecti
Aquest fragment de codi mostra com obtenir grups de pentagrames StaffGroups alineats verticalment amb una barra d’inici de sistema SystemStartBar per cada StaffGroup, però sense connectar-los entre sí.
#(set-global-staff-size 18) \paper { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f print-all-headers = ##t } \layout { \context { \StaffGroup \consists Text_mark_engraver \consists Staff_collecting_engraver systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = #'(SystemStartBrace (SystemStartBracket a b)) } \context { \Score \remove Text_mark_engraver \remove Staff_collecting_engraver \override SystemStartBrace.style = #'bar-line \omit SystemStartBar \override SystemStartBrace.padding = #-0.1 \override SystemStartBrace.thickness = #1.6 \override StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #15 } } %%%% EXAMPLE txt = \lyricmode { Wer4 nur den lie -- ben Gott läßt wal2 -- ten4 und4 hof -- fet auf ihn al -- le Zeit2. } % First StaffGroup "exercise" eI = \relative c' { \textMark \markup { \bold Teacher: This is a simple setting of the choral. Please improve it. } \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceOne \partial 4 e4 a b c b a b gis2 e4\fermata g! g f e a a gis a2.\fermata \bar ":|." } eII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceTwo \partial 4 c4 e e e gis a f e2 b4 b d d c c d d c2. \bar ":|." } eIII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceOne \partial 4 a4 c b a b c d b2 gis4 g g b c a f e e2. } eIV = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceTwo \partial 4 a,4 a' gis a e a, d e2 e,4\fermata e' b g c f d e a,2.\fermata \bar ":|." } exercise = \new StaffGroup = "exercise" << \new Staff << \new Voice \eI \new Voice \eII >> \new Lyrics \txt \new Staff << \new Voice \eIII \new Voice \eIV >> >> % Second StaffGroup "simple Bach" sbI = \relative c' { \textMark \markup { \bold" Pupil:" Here's my version! } \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceOne \partial 4 e4 a b c b a b gis2 e4\fermata g! g f e a a gis a2.\fermata \bar ":|." } sbII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceTwo \partial 4 c8 d e4 e e8 f g4 f f e2 b4 b8 c d4 d e8 d c4 b8 c d4 c2. \bar ":|." } sbIII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceOne \partial 4 a8 b c4 b a b8 c d4 d8 c b2 gis4 g g8 a b4 b a8 g f4 e e2. } sbIV = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceTwo \partial 4 a,4 a' gis a e f8 e d4 e2 e,4\fermata e' b a8 g c4 f8 e d4 e a,2.\fermata \bar ":|." } simpleBach = \new StaffGroup = "simple Bach" << \new Staff << \new Voice \sbI \new Voice \sbII >> \new Lyrics \txt \new Staff << \new Voice \sbIII \new Voice \sbIV >> >> % Third StaffGroup "chromatic Bach" cbI = \relative c' { \textMark \markup { \bold "Teacher:" \column { "Well, you simply copied and transposed a version of J.S.Bach." "Do you know this one?" } } \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceOne \partial 4 e4 a b c b a b gis4. fis8 e4\fermata g! g f e a a8 b gis4 a2.\fermata \bar ":|." } cbII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \voiceTwo \partial 4 c8 d e4 e e8 fis gis4 a8 g! f!4 e2 b4 e e d d8[ cis] d dis e fis e4 e2. \bar ":|." } cbIII = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceOne \partial 4 a8 b c[ b] a gis8 a4 d, e8[ e'] d c b4. a8 gis4 b c d8 c b[ a] a b c b b c16 d c2. } cbIV = \relative c' { \key a \minor \time 4/4 \clef bass \voiceTwo \partial 4 a4 c, e a, b c d e2 e4\fermata e a b8 c gis[ g] fis f e dis e4 a,2.\fermata \bar ":|." } chromaticBach = \new StaffGroup = "chromatic Bach" << \new Staff << \new Voice \cbI \new Voice \cbII >> \new Lyrics \txt \new Staff << \new Voice \cbIII \new Voice \cbIV >> >> % Score \score { << \exercise \simpleBach \chromaticBach >> \header { title = \markup \column { \combine \null \vspace #1 "Exercise: Improve the given choral" " " } } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText.X-offset = #-1 } } }
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