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Adding a QR code
This snippet lets you draw a QR-code, for example to provide a link to the composer’s, or the music editor’s website. Actually encoding the URL into a QR-code is not done here (this just draws the QR-code from a grid of "black" or "white" values), but see the code for a short Python snippet you can use to avoid having to fill for each small square if it’s black or white.
%% Original thread: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user-fr/2022-07/msg00005.html %% (snippet author: Jean Abou Samra <jean@abou-samra.fr>) \paper { tagline = ##f } #(define (index-map f . lsts) "Applies @code{f} to corresponding elements of @code{lists}, just as @code{map}, providing an additional counter starting at zero. @code{f} needs to have the counter in its arguments like @code{(index-map (lambda (i arg) <body>) lists)}" (let loop ((lsts lsts) (acc '()) (i 0)) (if (any null? lsts) (reverse! acc) (loop (map cdr lsts) (cons (apply f i (map car lsts)) acc) (1+ i))))) #(define-markup-command (qr-code layout props data) (string?) #:properties ((width 10)) (let* (;; Return lines in reversed order, since translating in Y-axis ;; uses increasing values. Meaning lines will be stacked upwards. (lines (reverse (remove string-null? (map string-trim-both (string-split data #\newline))))) (n (length lines)) (square-width (/ width n)) (box (make-filled-box-stencil `(0 . ,square-width) `(0 . ,square-width)))) ;; Build the final qr-code-stencil from line-stencils list (apply ly:stencil-add ;; Get a list of line-stencils (index-map (lambda (i line) ;; Build a line-stencil from square-stencils list (apply ly:stencil-add ;; Get a list of (already translated) square-stencils ;; per line (index-map (lambda (j char) (ly:stencil-translate (stencil-with-color box (case char ((#\0) white) ((#\1) black) (else (ly:warning "unrecognized character ~a, should be 0 or 1" char) red))) (cons (* j square-width) (* i square-width)))) (string->list line)))) lines)))) %{ A string representation of the QR code. 0 means white, 1 means black. You can generate this automatically using Python and the pyqrcode module ("pip install pyqrcode"). Use this line of code in a Python prompt: >>> import pyqrcode; print(pyqrcode.create("https://lilypond.org").text(quiet_zone=0)) %} lilypondDotOrg = "11111110011100011110101111111 10000010010000010111101000001 10111010010110001000101011101 10111010001010111101001011101 10111010110100000111001011101 10000010011100011001101000001 11111110101010101010101111111 00000000111000111110100000000 00110011101100001000111010000 10101001111000001000001111101 00110111010100000110001011010 01010001100110010111000110001 01111011110010011110010100111 01111101001101010001001101101 01111011000001000011001111011 11001001001011001000111011010 11100110111011011001110111000 00001100010001001011100100100 10111111011001010011001000100 00001100001000101011011011100 01010010000011000000111111111 00000000110011100010100011001 11111110101001101011101010110 10000010000110111110100010011 10111010011010111100111111111 10111010110001101111000011110 10111010100101101010100101001 10000010001001000100000010010 11111110010100110010111100010" \markup \qr-code \lilypondDotOrg \markup \vspace #5 \markup \override #'(width . 15) \qr-code \lilypondDotOrg
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Adding markups in a tablature
By default markups does not show in a tablature.
To make them appear, simply use the command
\revert TabStaff.TextScript.stencil
%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=919 % by P.P.Schneider on June 2014 high = { r4 r8 <g c'> q r8 r4 } low = { c4 r4 c8 r8 g,8 b, } pulse = { s8^"1" s^"&" s^"2" s^"&" s^"3" s^"&" s^"4" s^"&" } \score { \new TabStaff { \repeat unfold 2 << \high \\ \low \\ \pulse >> } \layout { \context { \TabStaff \clef moderntab \revert TextScript.stencil \override TextScript.font-series = #'bold \override TextScript.font-size = #-2 \override TextScript.color = #red } \context { \Score proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8) } } }
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Adding the current date to a score
With a little Scheme code, the current date can easily be added to a score.
% first, define a variable to hold the formatted date: date = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time))) % use it in the title block: \header { title = "Including the date!" subtitle = \date } \score { \relative c'' { c4 c c c } } % and use it in a \markup block: \markup { \date }
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Adjusting lyrics vertical spacing
This snippet shows how to bring the lyrics line closer to the staff.
% Default layout: << \new Staff \new Voice = melody \relative c' { c4 d e f g4 f e d c1 } \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa } \new Staff { \new Voice = melody \relative c' { c4 d e f g4 f e d c1 } } % Reducing the minimum space below the staff and above the lyrics: \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 1)) } \lyricsto melody { aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa } >>
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Aligning and centering instrument names
The horizontal alignment of instrument names is tweaked by changing the
property. The
variables indent
and short-indent
the space in which the instrument names are aligned before the first
and the following systems, respectively.
\paper { left-margin = 3\cm } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #LEFT instrumentName = \markup \left-column { "Left aligned" "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Left" } { c''1 \break c''1 } \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #CENTER instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Centered "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Centered" } { g'1 g'1} \new Staff \with { \override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT instrumentName = \markup \right-column { "Right aligned" "instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Right" } { e'1 e'1 } >> \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 4\cm short-indent = 2\cm } }
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Aligning syllables with melisma
By default, lyrics syllables that start a melisma are left aligned on
their note. The alignment can be altered using the
\score { << \new Staff { \relative c'' \new Voice = "vocal" { c d~^\markup default d e c d~^\markup "right aligned" d e c d~^\markup "center aligned" d e c d~^\markup "reset to default" d e } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocal" { word word word \set lyricMelismaAlignment = #RIGHT word word word \set lyricMelismaAlignment = #CENTER word word word \unset lyricMelismaAlignment word word word } >> }
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Blanking staff lines using the \whiteout command
The \whiteout
command underlays a markup with a white
box. Since staff lines are in a lower layer than most other grobs,
this white box will not overlap any other grob.
\layout { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c' { \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2 . 4) c2-\markup { \whiteout \pad-markup #0.5 "middle C" } c }
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Center text below hairpin dynamics
This example provides a function to typeset a hairpin (de)crescendo with some additional text below it, such as „molto“ or „poco“. The added text will change the direction according to the direction of the hairpin. The Hairpin is aligned to DynamicText.
The example also illustrates how to modify the way an object is normally printed, using some Scheme code.
\paper { tagline = ##f } hairpinWithCenteredText = #(define-music-function (text) (markup?) #{ \once \override Voice.Hairpin.after-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((stencil (ly:hairpin::print grob)) (par-y (ly:grob-parent grob Y)) (dir (ly:grob-property par-y 'direction)) (staff-line-thickness (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'line-thickness)) (new-stencil (ly:stencil-aligned-to (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge (ly:stencil-aligned-to stencil X CENTER) Y dir (ly:stencil-aligned-to (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-fontsize-markup (magnification->font-size (+ (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob) (/ staff-line-thickness 2))) text)) X CENTER)) X LEFT)) (staff-space (ly:output-def-lookup (ly:grob-layout grob) 'staff-space)) (par-x (ly:grob-parent grob X)) (dyn-text (grob::has-interface par-x 'dynamic-text-interface)) (dyn-text-stencil-x-length (if dyn-text (interval-length (ly:stencil-extent (ly:grob-property par-x 'stencil) X)) 0)) (x-shift (if dyn-text (- (+ staff-space dyn-text-stencil-x-length) (* 0.5 staff-line-thickness)) 0))) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'Y-offset 0) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil (ly:stencil-translate-axis new-stencil x-shift X)))) #}) hairpinMolto = \hairpinWithCenteredText \markup { \italic molto } hairpinMore = \hairpinWithCenteredText \markup { \larger moltissimo } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c' { \hairpinMolto c2\< c\f \hairpinMore c2\ppppp\< c\f \break \hairpinMolto c2^\< c\f \hairpinMore c2\ppppp\< c\f }
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Changing ottava text
Internally, \ottava
sets the properties ottavation
example, to 8va
or 8vb
) and middleCPosition
. To
override the text of the bracket, set ottavation
after invoking
Short text is especially useful when a brief ottava is used.
{ c'2 \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" c''2 \ottava #0 c'1 \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"Text" c''1 }
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Changing the default text font family
The default font families for text can be overridden with
%{ You may have to install additional fonts. Red Hat Fedora dejavu-fonts-all Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu fonts-dejavu-core fonts-dejavu-extra %} \paper { % change for other default global staff size. myStaffSize = #20 %{ run lilypond -dshow-available-fonts to show all fonts available in the process log. %} #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "DejaVu Serif" "DejaVu Sans" "DejaVu Sans Mono" (/ myStaffSize 20))) } { g'''4^\markup { DejaVu Serif: \bold bold \italic italic \italic \bold { bold italic } } g4_\markup { \override #'(font-family . sans) { DejaVu Sans: \bold bold \italic italic \italic \bold { bold italic } } } g''2^\markup { \override #'(font-family . typewriter) { DejaVu Sans Mono: \bold bold \italic italic \italic \bold { bold italic } } } }
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Combining dynamics with markup texts
Some dynamics may involve text indications (such as „più forte“ or
„piano subito“). These can be produced using a \markup
piuF = \markup { \italic più \dynamic f } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c'' { c2\f c-\piuF }
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Zwei Stimmen auf einem System kombinieren
Die Funktion, die Stimmen kombiniert (also der \partCombine
ermöglicht die Kombination unterschiedlicher Stimmen auf einem
System. Textanweisungen wie "solo" oder "a2" werden automatisch
hinzugefügt. Wenn man sie entfernen will, muss man die Eigenschaft
auf falsch setzen. Für Klavierauszüge
muss natürlich kein "solo"/"a2" usw. hinzugefügt werden, man
sollte sie also ausschalten. Wenn aber Solo-Stellen in einem
Klavierauszug oder einer Chorpartitur angezeigt werden, ist es besser,
normale Polyphonie zu verwenden, weil so die Solostellen angezeigt
werden, auch wenn der Text des Stimmenkombinierers ausgeschaltet ist.
Der Schnipsel zeigt drei Möglichkeiten, Stimmen auf einem System zu
kombinieren: Standardpolyphonie, \partCombine
ohne Text und
mit Text.
%% Combining pedal notes with clef changes musicUp = \relative c'' { \time 4/4 a4 c4.( g8) a4 | g4 e' g,( a8 b) | c b a2. } musicDown = \relative c'' { g4 e4.( d8) c4 | r2 g'4( f8 e) | d2 \stemDown a } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Standard polyphony" } << \musicUp \\ \musicDown >> \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "PartCombine without text" printPartCombineTexts = ##f } \partCombine \musicUp \musicDown \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "PartCombine with text" } \partCombine \musicUp \musicDown >> \layout { indent = 6.0\cm \context { \Score \override SystemStartBar.collapse-height = #30 } } }
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Creating "real" parenthesized dynamics
Although the easiest way to add parentheses to a dynamic mark is to use
a \markup
block, this method has a downside: the created
objects will behave like text markups, and not like dynamics.
However, it is possible to create a similar object using the equivalent
Scheme code (as described in the Notation Reference), combined with the
function. This way, the markup will be
regarded as a dynamic, and therefore will remain compatible with
commands such as \dynamicUp
or \dynamicDown
paren = #(define-event-function (dyn) (ly:event?) (make-dynamic-script #{ \markup \concat { \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 ( \pad-x #0.2 #(ly:music-property dyn 'text) \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 ) } #})) \relative c'' { c4\paren\f c c \dynamicUp c\paren\p }
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Creating text spanners
The \startTextSpan
and \stopTextSpan
commands allow the
creation of text spanners as easily as pedal indications or
octavations. Override some properties of the TextSpanner
to modify its output.
\paper { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c'' { \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #"bla" \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = #"blu" a4 \startTextSpan b4 c a4 \stopTextSpan \override TextSpanner.style = #'line \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER a4 \startTextSpan b4 c a4 \stopTextSpan \override TextSpanner.style = #'dashed-line \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 1) } \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = \markup { \draw-line #'(0 . -2) } \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.padding = #-2 a4 \startTextSpan b4 c a4 \stopTextSpan \set Staff.middleCPosition = #-13 \override TextSpanner.dash-period = #10 \override TextSpanner.dash-fraction = #0.5 \override TextSpanner.thickness = #10 a4 \startTextSpan b4 c a4 \stopTextSpan }
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Demonstrating all headers
All header fields with special meanings.
\header { copyright = "copyright" title = "title" subtitle = "subtitle" composer = "composer" arranger = "arranger" instrument = "instrument" meter = "meter" opus = "opus" piece = "piece" poet = "poet" texidoc = "All header fields with special meanings." copyright = "public domain" enteredby = "jcn" source = "urtext" } \layout { ragged-right = ##f } \score { \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c } } \score { \relative c'' { c1 | c | c | c } \header { title = "localtitle" subtitle = "localsubtitle" composer = "localcomposer" arranger = "localarranger" instrument = "localinstrument" metre = "localmetre" opus = "localopus" piece = "localpiece" poet = "localpoet" copyright = "localcopyright" } }
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Embedding native PostScript in a \markup block
PostScript code can be directly inserted inside a \markup
% PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. \relative c'' { a4-\markup { \postscript "3 4 moveto 5 3 rlineto stroke" } -\markup { \postscript "[ 0 1 ] 0 setdash 3 5 moveto 5 -3 rlineto stroke " } b4-\markup { \postscript "3 4 moveto 0 0 1 2 8 4 20 3.5 rcurveto stroke" } s2 a'1 }
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Silben im Gesangstext formatieren
Textbeschriftungsmodus kann eingesetzt werden, um individuelle Silben im Gesangstext zu formatieren.
mel = \relative c'' { c4 c c c } lyr = \lyricmode { Lyrics \markup { \italic can } \markup { \with-color #red contain } \markup { \fontsize #8 \bold Markup! } } << \new Voice = melody \mel \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody \lyr >>
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How to put ties between syllables in lyrics
This can be achieved by separating those syllables by tildes.
\lyrics { wa~o~a }
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Ausrichtung von Gesangstext
Die horizontale Ausrichtung von Gesangstext kann eingestellt werden, indem
man die self-alignment-X
-Eigenschaft des LyricText
verändert. #-1
bedeutet links, #0
bedeutet mittig und #1
bedeutet rechts, man kann aber genauso gut auch #LEFT
und #RIGHT
\layout { ragged-right = ##f } \relative c'' { c1 c1 c1 } \addlyrics { \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT "This is left-aligned" \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #CENTER "This is centered" \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #1 "This is right-aligned" }
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Markup list
Text that can spread over pages is entered with the \markuplist
%% updated/modified by P.P.Schneider on Feb. 2014 #(set-default-paper-size "a6") #(define-markup-list-command (paragraph layout props args) (markup-list?) (interpret-markup-list layout props (make-justified-lines-markup-list (cons (make-hspace-markup 2) args)))) % Candide, Voltaire \markuplist { \override-lines #'(baseline-skip . 2.5) { \paragraph { Il y avait en Westphalie, dans le château de M. le baron de Thunder-ten-tronckh, un jeune garçon à qui la nature avait donné les mœurs les plus douces. Sa physionomie annonçait son âme. Il avait le jugement assez droit, avec l'esprit le plus \concat { simple \hspace #.3 ; } c'est, je crois, pour cette raison qu'on le nommait Candide. Les anciens domestiques de la maison soupçonnaient qu'il était fils de la sœur de monsieur le baron et d'un bon et honnête gentilhomme du voisinage, que cette demoiselle ne voulut jamais épouser parce qu'il n'avait pu prouver que soixante et onze quartiers, et que le reste de son arbre généalogique avait été perdu par l'injure du temps. } \vspace #.3 \paragraph { Monsieur le baron était un des plus puissants seigneurs de la Westphalie, car son château avait une porte et des fenêtres. Sa grande salle même était ornée d'une tapisserie. Tous les chiens de ses basses-cours composaient une meute dans le \concat { besoin \hspace #.3 ; } ses palefreniers étaient ses \concat { piqueurs \hspace #.3 ; } le vicaire du village était son grand-aumônier. Ils l'appelaient tous monseigneur, et ils riaient quand il faisait des contes. } } }
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Textbeschriftung und Mehrtaktpausen
Textbeschriftungen, die an Mehrtaktpausen gehängt wird, wird über oder unter der Pause zentriert. Lange Beschriftungen lassen den Takt nicht breiter werden. Um eine Mehrtaktpause einer Beschriftung anzupassen, muss eine unsichtbare Pause mit der Beschriftung direkt vor der Mehrtaktpause eingesetzt werden.
Man sollte beachten, dass unsichtbare Pausen automatische Taktstriche nach sich ziehen. Text, der an eine unsichtbare Pause gehängt wird, ist links ausgerichtet an der Position, wo die Pause erscheinen würde. Wenn aber die Länge des Taktes durch die Länge des Textes bestimmt wird, sieht es so aus, als ob der Text zentriert gesetzt ist.
\relative c' { \compressMMRests { \textLengthOn <>^\markup { [MAJOR GENERAL] } R1*19 <>_\markup { \italic { Cue: ... it is yours } } <>^\markup { A } R1*30^\markup { [MABEL] } \textLengthOff c4^\markup { CHORUS } d f c } }
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Of the ubiquity of markup objects
Text objects are entered either as simple strings between double quotes
or as \markup
blocks that can accept a variety of advanced text
formatting and graphical enhancements.
As such, markup blocks may be used:
in any TextScript object (attached to notes with
), -
introduced with the\textMark
command, or other similar objects such as MetronomeMark introduced with\tempo
, -
as standalone markup blocks, entered at the top level outside of any
block, -
in any definition inside the
block (e.g. title, subtitle, composer) or in some variables defined inside the\paper
block such asevenHeaderMarkup
for page numbers.
may additionally be used for lyrics, in chord names,
and as dynamics. In fact, it is possible to use \markup
customize the appearance of virtually any object, as demonstrated in
this example using various methods.
%% Thanks to Aaron Hill https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2019-01/msg00437.html \paper { paper-width = 8\cm paper-height = 8\cm } \header { title = \markup "Header" tagline = \markup "(tagline)" } \markup "Top-level markup" dyn = #(make-dynamic-script #{ \markup \text "DynamicText" #}) \score { << \new ChordNames \with { majorSevenSymbol = \markup "majorSevenSymbol" } \chordmode { c1:maj7 } \new Staff { \tempo \markup "MetronomeMark" \textMark "TextMark" \once \override TupletNumber.text = \markup "TupletNumber" \tuplet 3/2 { \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override NoteHead.text = \markup \lower #0.5 "NoteHead" c''8^\markup "TextScript" \once \override Rest.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup "Rest" #})) r4 } } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \markup "LyricText" 1 } \new Dynamics { s1\dyn } >> }
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Outputting the version number
It is possible to print the version number of LilyPond in markup.
\markup { Processed with LilyPond version #(lilypond-version) }
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Piano template with centered lyrics
Anstatt ein eigenes System für Melodie und Text zu schreiben, können Sie den Text auch zwischen die beiden Klaviersysteme schreiben (und damit das zusätzliche System für die Gesangstimme auslassen).
upper = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 a4 b c d } lower = \relative c { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 a2 c } text = \lyricmode { Aaa Bee Cee Dee } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = upper { \new Voice = "singer" \upper } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "singer" \text \new Staff = lower { \lower } >> \layout { } \midi { } }
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Printing bar numbers with changing regular intervals
Using the set-bar-number-visibility
context function, bar number
intervals can be changed.
\relative c' { \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \context Score \applyContext #(set-bar-number-visibility 4) \repeat unfold 10 c'1 \context Score \applyContext #(set-bar-number-visibility 2) \repeat unfold 10 c }
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Zeichen über jedem System ausgeben
Normalerweise werden Textzeichen nur über dem obersten Notensystem gesetzt. Sie können aber auch über jedem System ausgegeben werden.
\score { << \new Staff { \mark \default c''1 \textMark "molto" c'' } \new Staff { \mark \default c'1 \textMark "molto" c' } >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove Mark_engraver \remove Text_mark_engraver \remove Staff_collecting_engraver } \context { \Staff \consists Mark_engraver \consists Text_mark_engraver \consists Staff_collecting_engraver } } }
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Printing text from right to left
It is possible to print text from right to left in a markup object, as demonstrated here.
{ b1^\markup { \line { i n g i r u m i m u s n o c t e } } f'_\markup { \override #'(text-direction . -1) \line { i n g i r u m i m u s n o c t e } } }
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Putting lyrics inside the staff
Lyrics can be moved vertically to place them inside the staff. The
lyrics are moved with
\override LyricText.extra-offset = #'(0 . dy)
and there are
similar commands to move the extenders and hyphens. The offset needed
is established with trial and error.
<< \new Staff << \new Voice = "voc" \relative c' { \stemDown a bes c8 b c4 } >> \new Lyrics \with { \override LyricText.extra-offset = #'(0 . 8.6) \override LyricExtender.extra-offset = #'(0 . 8.6) \override LyricHyphen.extra-offset = #'(0 . 8.6) } \lyricsto "voc" { La la -- la __ _ la } >>
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Isolierter Text in zwei Spalten
Isolierter Text kann in mehreren Spalten mit \markup
angeordnet werden:
\markup { \fill-line { \hspace #1 \column { \line { O sacrum convivium } \line { in quo Christus sumitur, } \line { recolitur memoria passionis ejus, } \line { mens impletur gratia, } \line { futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur. } \line { Amen. } } \hspace #2 \column \italic { \line { O sacred feast } \line { in which Christ is received, } \line { the memory of His Passion is renewed, } \line { the mind is filled with grace, } \line { and a pledge of future glory is given to us. } \line { Amen. } } \hspace #1 } }
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String number extender lines
Make an extender line for string number indications, showing that a series of notes is supposed to be played all on the same string.
stringNumberSpanner = #(define-music-function (StringNumber) (string?) #{ \override TextSpanner.style = #'solid \override TextSpanner.font-size = #-5 \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup { \circle \number $StringNumber } #}) \relative c { \clef "treble_8" \stringNumberSpanner "5" \textSpannerDown a8\startTextSpan b c d e f\stopTextSpan \stringNumberSpanner "4" g\startTextSpan a bes4 a g2\stopTextSpan }
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Three-sided box
This example shows how to add a markup command to get a three sided box around some text (or other markup).
% New command to add a three sided box, with sides north, west and south % Based on the box-stencil command defined in scm/stencil.scm % Note that ";;" is used to comment a line in Scheme #(define-public (NWS-box-stencil stencil thickness padding) "Add a box around STENCIL, producing a new stencil." (let* ((x-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil X) padding)) (y-ext (interval-widen (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y) padding)) (y-rule (make-filled-box-stencil (cons 0 thickness) y-ext)) (x-rule (make-filled-box-stencil (interval-widen x-ext thickness) (cons 0 thickness)))) ;; (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X 1 y-rule padding)) (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil X LEFT y-rule padding)) (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y UP x-rule 0.0)) (set! stencil (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y DOWN x-rule 0.0)) stencil)) % The corresponding markup command, based on the \box command defined % in scm/define-markup-commands.scm #(define-markup-command (NWS-box layout props arg) (markup?) #:properties ((thickness 0.1) (font-size 0) (box-padding 0.2)) "Draw a box round @var{arg}. Looks at @code{thickness}, @code{box-padding} and @code{font-size} properties to determine line thickness and padding around the markup." (let ((pad (* (magstep font-size) box-padding)) (m (interpret-markup layout props arg))) (NWS-box-stencil m thickness pad))) % Test it: \relative c' { c1^\markup { \NWS-box ABCD } c1^\markup { \NWS-box \note {4} #1.0 } }
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Various scripts may be used for texts (like titles and lyrics) by entering them in UTF-8 encoding, and using a Pango based backend. Depending on the fonts installed, this fragment will render Bulgarian (Cyrillic), Hebrew, Japanese and Portuguese.
%{ You may have to install additional fonts. Red Hat Fedora linux-libertine-fonts (Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew) google-noto-serif-jp-fonts (Japanese) Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu fonts-linuxlibertine (Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew) fonts-noto-cjk (Japanese) %} % 'Linux Libertine' fonts also contain Cyrillic and Hebrew glyphs. \paper { #(define fonts (set-global-fonts #:roman "Linux Libertine O, Noto Serif CJK JP, Noto Serif JP" )) } bulgarian = \lyricmode { Жълтата дюля беше щастлива, че пухът, който цъфна, замръзна като гьон. } hebrew = \lyricmode { זה כיף סתם לשמוע איך תנצח קרפד עץ טוב בגן. } japanese = \lyricmode { いろはにほへど ちりぬるを わがよたれぞ つねならむ うゐのおくや まけふこえて あさきゆめみじ ゑひもせず } % "a nice song for you" portuguese = \lyricmode { à vo -- cê uma can -- ção le -- gal } \relative c' { c2 d e2 f g2 f e2 d } \addlyrics { \bulgarian } \addlyrics { \hebrew } \addlyrics { \japanese } \addlyrics { \portuguese }
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Vorlage für Vokalensemble mit dem Gesangstext über und unter dem System
In diesem Beispiel werden die Texte mit den Befehlen
und alignBelowContext
über und unter dem System angeordnet.
global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } sopMusic = \relative c'' { c4 c c8[( b)] c4 } sopWords = \lyricmode { hi hi hi hi } altoMusic = \relative c' { e4 f d e } altoWords = \lyricmode { ha ha ha ha } tenorMusic = \relative c' { g4 a f g } tenorWords = \lyricmode { hu hu hu hu } bassMusic = \relative c { c4 c g c } bassWords = \lyricmode { ho ho ho ho } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "women" << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \voiceOne << \global \sopMusic >> } \new Voice = "altos" { \voiceTwo << \global \altoMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"women" } \lyricsto "sopranos" \sopWords \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"women" } \lyricsto "altos" \altoWords % we could remove the line about this with the line below, since % we want the alto lyrics to be below the alto Voice anyway. % \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" \altoWords \new Staff = "men" << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenors" { \voiceOne << \global \tenorMusic >> } \new Voice = "basses" { \voiceTwo << \global \bassMusic >> } >> \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"men" } \lyricsto "tenors" \tenorWords \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"men" } \lyricsto "basses" \bassWords % again, we could replace the line above this with the line below. % \new Lyrics \lyricsto "basses" \bassWords >> }
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Volta text markup using repeatCommands
Though volte are best specified using \repeat volta
, the
context property repeatCommands
must be used in cases where the
volta text needs more advanced formatting with \markup
Since repeatCommands
takes a list, the simplest method of
including markup is to use an identifier for the text and embed it in
the command list using the Scheme syntax
#(list (list 'volta textIdentifier))
. Start- and end-repeat
commands can be added as separate list elements:
voltaAdLib = \markup { 1. 2. 3... \text \italic { ad lib. } } \relative c'' { c1 \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta voltaAdLib) 'start-repeat) c4 b d e \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) (volta "4.") end-repeat) f1 \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f)) }
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