Sintassi | Descrizione | Esempio |
1 2 8 16 | durate |
![[image of music]](../05/lily-c373d892.png) |
c4. c4.. | punti di aumentazione |
![[image of music]](../b8/lily-fe0226e5.png) |
c d e f g a b | scala |
![[image of music]](../12/lily-d40c825c.png) |
fis bes | alterazione |
![[image of music]](../cd/lily-57e2538d.png) |
\clef treble \clef bass | chiavi |
![[image of music]](../a8/lily-af9c59b8.png) |
\time 3/4 \time 4/4 | indicazione di tempo |
![[image of music]](../d2/lily-44c2ef78.png) |
r4 r8 | pausa |
![[image of music]](../04/lily-9357204a.png) |
d ~ d | legatura di valore |
![[image of music]](../7d/lily-40317b65.png) |
\key es \major | armatura di chiave |
![[image of music]](../8e/lily-d1f07978.png) |
note' | alzare l’ottava |
![[image of music]](../97/lily-59714622.png) |
note, | abbassare l’ottava |
![[image of music]](../7a/lily-637b15fd.png) |
c( d e) | legatura di portamento |
![[image of music]](../3e/lily-cdeb4922.png) |
c\( c( d) e\) | legatura di frase |
![[image of music]](../b1/lily-f222e303.png) |
a8[ b] | travatura |
![[image of music]](../a2/lily-1dda6184.png) |
<< \new Staff … >> | più righi |
![[image of music]](../8a/lily-d1a43c7d.png) |
c-> c-. | articolazioni |
![[image of music]](../01/lily-64e44c0e.png) |
c2\mf c\sfz | dinamiche |
![[image of music]](../df/lily-d9ae1461.png) |
a\< a a\! | crescendo |
![[image of music]](../4a/lily-2ffc41b3.png) |
a\> a a\! | decrescendo |
![[image of music]](../50/lily-5527cf92.png) |
< > | accordo |
![[image of music]](../f0/lily-c34ae060.png) |
\partial 8 | anacrusi |
![[image of music]](../68/lily-2894de15.png) |
\tuplet 3/2 {f g a} | terzine |
![[image of music]](../9e/lily-2cb24ed9.png) |
\grace | abbellimenti |
![[image of music]](../34/lily-28a16f87.png) |
\lyricmode { twinkle } | inserimento del testo vocale | twinkle |
\new Lyrics | stampa del testo vocale |
![[image of music]](../a8/lily-fd50e937.png) |
twin -- kle | trattino nel testo vocale |
![[image of music]](../8d/lily-a38ec164.png) |
\chordmode { c:dim f:maj7 } | accordi |
![[image of music]](../4c/lily-946a675f.png) |
\new ChordNames | mostrare i nomi degli accordi |
![[image of music]](../a2/lily-91d923a3.png) |
<<{e f} \\ {c d}>> | polifonia |
![[image of music]](../8d/lily-4669636d.png) |
s4 s8 s16 | pause spaziatrici | |