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[ < References for percussion ] | [ Up : Common notation for percussion ] | [ Drum rolls > ] |
Basic percussion notation
Percussion notes may be entered in \drummode
mode, which is
similar to the standard mode for entering notes. The simplest way
to enter percussion notes is to use the \drums
which creates the correct context and entry mode for percussion:
\drums { hihat4 hh bassdrum bd }![]()
This is shorthand for:
\new DrumStaff \drummode { hihat4 hh bassdrum bd }![]()
Each piece of percussion has a full name and an abbreviated name, and both can be used in input files. The full list of percussion note names may be found in Percussion notes.
Note that the normal notation of pitches (such as cis4
) in a
context will cause an error message. Percussion clefs
are added automatically to a DrumStaff
context but they can also
be set explicitly. Other clefs may be used as well.
\drums { \clef percussion bd4 4 4 4 \clef treble hh4 4 4 4 }![]()
There are a few issues concerning MIDI support for percussion instruments; for details please see Creating MIDI output.
See also
Notation Reference: Creating MIDI output, Percussion notes.
Installed Files: ly/drumpitch-init.ly.
Snippets: Percussion.
[ << Specialist notation ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ General input and output >> ] |
[ < References for percussion ] | [ Up : Common notation for percussion ] | [ Drum rolls > ] |