3.3.5 Creating in-notes

In-notes function like footnotes in that they serve to annotate music, but are different in that they are typeset either above or below the system to which the grob being annotated belongs.

To create an in-note, set the footnote property of the Footnote grob to #f. The distance between two in-notes can be controlled with the paper variable in-note-padding, the distance between the in-note and its associated system by in-note-system-padding. If you want in-notes positioned below its associated system, set paper variable in-note-direction to DOWN.

music = { a4 b8 e c4 d }

\book {
  \relative c'' {
    \override Score.Footnote.footnote = ##f

    \repeat unfold 5 \music
    \footnote #'(1 . 1) "An in-note." NoteHead
    <>-> \repeat unfold 4 \music
    \footnote "" #'(0 . 0) "An in-note without number." NoteHead
    <>-> \repeat unfold 2 \music
    \footnote "" #'(0 . 0) "Another numberless in-note." NoteHead
    <>-> \music

  \paper {
    in-note-system-padding = 5
    in-note-padding = 2
    tagline = ##f
[image of music]

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.24 (development-branch).