Kievan melismata
Notes within a Kievan melisma are usually placed close to each other
and the melismata separated by whitespace. This is done to allow
the chanter to quickly identify the melodic structures of Znamenny
chant. In LilyPond, melismata are treated as ligatures and the
spacing is implemented by the Kievan_ligature_engraver
When the KievanVoice
and KievanStaff
contexts are used,
the Kievan_ligature_engraver
is enabled by default. In other
contexts, it can be invoked by replacing the Ligature_bracket_engraver
with the Kievan_ligature_engraver
in the layout block:
\layout { \context { \Voice \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver \consists Kievan_ligature_engraver } }
The spacing between the notes within a Kievan ligature can be controlled
by setting the padding
property of the KievanLigature
The following example demonstrates the use of Kievan ligatures:
% Font settings for Cyrillic \paper { property-defaults.fonts.serif = "Linux Libertine O,serif" } \score { << \new KievanVoice = "melody" \relative c' { e2 \[ e4( d4 ) \] \[ c4( d e d) \] e1 \fine } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { Га -- врі -- и -- лу } >> }![]()
See also
Music Glossary: ligature.
Notation Reference: White mensural ligatures, Gregorian square neume ligatures, Ligatures.
Known issues and warnings
Horizontal spacing of ligatures is poor.