4.4.2 Running autogen.sh

(If you use a tarball, follow the instructions in this subsection but don’t actually run the ‘autogen.sh’ script – the tarball already comes with a ‘configure’ script.)

After cloning the Git repository or downloading and unpacking a Git snapshot, the contents of your top source directory should be similar to the current source tree listed at https://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=tree.

Note that the top-level source directory is called ‘lilypond-2.24.4/’ if you use the tarball. It is called ‘lilypond-HEAD-ID/’ if you use a Git snapshot, with ID being a hexadecimal, seven-digit number (for example, ‘lilypond-HEAD-80113f7/’). It is simply called ‘lilypond/’ if you directly use the Git clone, and we use this in the following instructions.

Start with changing to the source directory, creating a build directory, and changing into it.

cd lilypond/
mkdir build/
cd build/

Because there are no generated files in the repository, you have to generate the ‘configure’ script first. There are two possibilities to do that.

(If you omit the ‘--noconfigure’ option, ‘autogen.sh’ not only creates the ‘configure’ script but also executes it, forwarding all given command line options. This is a convenient shorthand for experienced users. For clarity, however, we explain the process in two separate steps.)

Execute the ‘autogen.sh’ script now.

../autogen.sh --noconfigure

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.24.4 (stable-branch).