5.7.1 Scripts to test the documentation

Building only one section of the documentation

In order to save build time, a script is available to build only one section of the documentation in English with a default HTML appearance.

If you do not yet have a ‘build/’ subdirectory within the LilyPond Git tree, you should create this first. You can then build a section of the documentation with the following command:

scripts/auxiliar/doc-section.sh MANUAL SECTION

where SECTION is the name of the file containing the section to be built, and MANUAL is replaced by the name of the directory containing the section. So, for example, to build section 1.1 of the Notation Reference, use the command:

scripts/auxiliar/doc-section.sh notation pitches

You can then see the generated document for the section at


According to LilyPond issue 1236, the location of the LilyPond Git tree is taken from $LILYPOND_GIT if specified, otherwise it is auto-detected.

It is assumed that compilation takes place in the ‘build/’ subdirectory, but this can be overridden by setting the environment variable LILYPOND_BUILD_DIR.

Similarly, output defaults to ‘build/tempdocs/’ but this can be overridden by setting the environment variable LILYPOND_TEMPDOCS.

This script will not work for building sections of the Contributors’ Guide. For building sections of the Contributors’ Guide, use:

scripts/auxiliar/cg-section.sh SECTION

where SECTION is the name of the file containing the sections to be built. For example, to build section 4 of the Contributors’ Guide, use:

scripts/auxiliar/cg-section.sh doc-work

cg-section.sh uses the same environment variables and corresponding default values as doc-section.sh.

LilyPond — Contributor’s Guide v2.24.4 (stable-branch).