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Chord names alternative
Chord names are generated from a list of pitches. The functions which construct these names can be customised.
Here are shown chords following Ignatzek (pp. 17-18, 1995), used by default since LilyPond 1.7.20, compared with an alternative Jazz chord notation and Harald Banter’s (1987) notation. A smaller font is used in the latter case, as these tend to be overly verbose.
This mirrors the mechanism originally used in early LilyPond versions (pre-1.7); not having been properly maintained, however, some features have been lost (mainly chord exception lists) and bugs have been introduced.
%%%% Legacy chord naming functions (formerly in scm/chord-generic-names.scm) %%%% Copyright (C) 2003--2023 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org> #(set-global-staff-size 19.7) #(define-public (banter-chordnames pitches bass inversion context) (old_chord->markup 'banter pitches bass inversion context)) #(define-public (jazz-chordnames pitches bass inversion context) (old_chord->markup 'jazz pitches bass inversion context)) #(define (define-translator-property symbol type? description) (if (not (and (symbol? symbol) (procedure? type?) (string? description))) (ly:error "error in call of define-translator-property")) (if (not (equal? (object-property symbol 'translation-doc) #f)) (ly:error (G_ "symbol ~S redefined") symbol)) (set-object-property! symbol 'translation-type? type?) (set-object-property! symbol 'translation-doc description) symbol) #(for-each (lambda (x) (apply define-translator-property x)) `((chordNameExceptionsFull ,list? "An alist of full chord exceptions. Contains @code{(@var{chord} . @var{markup})} entries.") (chordNameExceptionsPartial ,list? "An alist of partial chord exceptions. Contains @code{(@var{chord} . (@var{prefix-markup} @var{suffix-markup}))} entries."))) #(define-public (old_chord->markup style pitches bass inversion context) "Entry point for @code{Chord_name_engraver}. @var{pitches}, @var{bass}, and @var{inversion} are lily pitches." (define (default-note-namer pitch) (note-name->markup pitch #f)) (define (markup-or-empty-markup markup) "Return MARKUP if markup, else empty-markup" (if (markup? markup) markup empty-markup)) (define (accidental->markup alteration) "Return accidental markup for ALTERATION." (if (= alteration 0) (make-line-markup (list empty-markup)) (conditional-kern-before (alteration->text-accidental-markup alteration) (= alteration FLAT) 0.094725))) (define (list-minus a b) "Return list of elements in A that are not in B." (lset-difference eq? a b)) (define (markup-join markups sep) "Return line-markup of MARKUPS, joining them with markup SEP" (if (pair? markups) (make-line-markup (list-insert-separator markups sep)) empty-markup)) (define (conditional-kern-before markup bool amount) "Add AMOUNT of space before MARKUP if BOOL is true." (if bool (make-line-markup (list (make-hspace-markup amount) markup)) markup)) (define (step-nr pitch) (let* ((pitch-nr (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave pitch)) (ly:pitch-notename pitch))) (root-nr (+ (* 7 (ly:pitch-octave (car pitches))) (ly:pitch-notename (car pitches))))) (+ 1 (- pitch-nr root-nr)))) (define (next-third pitch) (+ pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 2 (if (or (= (step-nr pitch) 3) (= (step-nr pitch) 5)) FLAT 0)))) (define (step-alteration pitch) (let* ((normalized-pitch (- pitch (car pitches))) (alteration (ly:pitch-alteration normalized-pitch))) (if (= (step-nr pitch) 7) (+ alteration SEMI-TONE) alteration))) (define (pitch-unalter pitch) (let ((alteration (step-alteration pitch))) (if (= alteration 0) pitch (ly:make-pitch (ly:pitch-octave pitch) (ly:pitch-notename pitch) (- (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) alteration))))) (define (step-even-or-altered? pitch) (let ((nr (step-nr pitch))) (if (!= (modulo nr 2) 0) (!= (step-alteration pitch) 0) #t))) (define (step->markup-plusminus pitch) (let ((alt (step-alteration pitch))) (make-line-markup (list (number->string (step-nr pitch)) (cond ((= alt DOUBLE-FLAT) "--") ((= alt FLAT) "-") ((= alt NATURAL) "") ((= alt SHARP) "+") ((= alt DOUBLE-SHARP) "++")))))) (define (step->markup-accidental pitch) (make-line-markup (list (accidental->markup (step-alteration pitch)) (make-simple-markup (number->string (step-nr pitch)))))) (define (step->markup-ignatzek pitch) (make-line-markup (if (and (= (step-nr pitch) 7) (= (step-alteration pitch) 1)) (list (ly:context-property context 'majorSevenSymbol)) (list (accidental->markup (step-alteration pitch)) (make-simple-markup (number->string (step-nr pitch))))))) ;; tja, kennok (define (make-sub->markup step->markup) (lambda (pitch) (make-line-markup (list (make-simple-markup "no") (step->markup pitch))))) (define (step-based-sub->markup step->markup pitch) (make-line-markup (list (make-simple-markup "no") (step->markup pitch)))) (define (get-full-list pitch) (if (<= (step-nr pitch) (step-nr (last pitches))) (cons pitch (get-full-list (next-third pitch))) '())) (define (get-consecutive nr pitches) (if (pair? pitches) (let* ((pitch-nr (step-nr (car pitches))) (next-nr (if (!= (modulo pitch-nr 2) 0) (+ pitch-nr 2) nr))) (if (<= pitch-nr nr) (cons (car pitches) (get-consecutive next-nr (cdr pitches))) '())) '())) ;;; FIXME -- exceptions no longer work. -vv (define (full-match exceptions) (if (pair? exceptions) (let* ((e (car exceptions)) (e-pitches (car e))) (if (equal? e-pitches pitches) e (full-match (cdr exceptions)))) #f)) (define (partial-match exceptions) (if (pair? exceptions) (let* ((e (car exceptions)) (e-pitches (car e))) (if (equal? e-pitches (take pitches (length e-pitches))) e (partial-match (cdr exceptions)))) #f)) ;; FIXME: exceptions don't work anyway. (if #f (begin (write-me "pitches: " pitches))) (let* ((full-exceptions (ly:context-property context 'chordNameExceptionsFull)) (full-exception (full-match full-exceptions)) (full-markup (if full-exception (cadr full-exception) '())) (partial-exceptions (ly:context-property context 'chordNameExceptionsPartial)) (partial-exception (partial-match partial-exceptions)) (partial-pitches (if partial-exception (car partial-exception) '())) (partial-markup-prefix (if partial-exception (markup-or-empty-markup (cadr partial-exception)) empty-markup)) (partial-markup-suffix (if (and partial-exception (pair? (cddr partial-exception))) (markup-or-empty-markup (caddr partial-exception)) empty-markup)) (root (car pitches)) (full (get-full-list root)) ;; kludge alert: replace partial matched lower part of all with ;; 'normal' pitches from full ;; (all pitches) (all (append (take full (length partial-pitches)) (drop pitches (length partial-pitches)))) (highest (last all)) (missing (list-minus full (map pitch-unalter all))) (consecutive (get-consecutive 1 all)) (rest (list-minus all consecutive)) (altered (filter step-even-or-altered? all)) (cons-alt (filter step-even-or-altered? consecutive)) (base (list-minus consecutive altered))) (if #f (begin (write-me "full:" full) ;; (write-me "partial-pitches:" partial-pitches) (write-me "full-markup:" full-markup) (write-me "partial-markup-perfix:" partial-markup-prefix) (write-me "partial-markup-suffix:" partial-markup-suffix) (write-me "all:" all) (write-me "altered:" altered) (write-me "missing:" missing) (write-me "consecutive:" consecutive) (write-me "rest:" rest) (write-me "base:" base))) (case style ((banter) ;; root ;; + steps:altered + (highest all -- if not altered) ;; + subs:missing (let* ((root->markup default-note-namer) (step->markup step->markup-plusminus) (sub->markup (lambda (x) (step-based-sub->markup step->markup x))) (sep (make-simple-markup "/"))) (if (pair? full-markup) (make-line-markup (list (root->markup root) full-markup)) (make-line-markup (list (root->markup root) partial-markup-prefix (make-super-markup (markup-join (append (map step->markup (append altered (if (and (> (step-nr highest) 5) (not (step-even-or-altered? highest))) (list highest) '()))) (list partial-markup-suffix) (map sub->markup missing)) sep))))))) ((jazz) ;; root ;; + steps:(highest base) + cons-alt ;; + 'add' ;; + steps:rest (let* ((root->markup default-note-namer) (step->markup step->markup-ignatzek) (sep (make-simple-markup " ")) (add-prefix (make-simple-markup " add"))) (if (pair? full-markup) (make-line-markup (list (root->markup root) full-markup)) (make-line-markup (list (root->markup root) partial-markup-prefix (make-super-markup (make-line-markup (list ;; kludge alert: omit <= 5 ;;(markup-join (map step->markup ;; (cons (last base) cons-alt)) sep) ;; This fixes: ;; c C5 -> C ;; c:2 C5 2 -> C2 ;; c:3- Cm5 -> Cm ;; c:6.9 C5 6add9 -> C6 add 9 (add?) ;; ch = \chords { c c:2 c:3- c:6.9^7 } (markup-join (map step->markup (let ((tb (last base))) (if (> (step-nr tb) 5) (cons tb cons-alt) cons-alt))) sep) (if (pair? rest) add-prefix empty-markup) (markup-join (map step->markup rest) sep) partial-markup-suffix)))))))) (else empty-markup)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% %%%% Here begins the actual snippet: chs = \transpose c' c' { <c e g>1 <c es g> % m = minor triad <c e gis> <c es ges> \break <c e g bes> <c es g bes> <c e g b> % triangle = maj <c es ges beses> <c es ges b> \break <c e gis bes> <c es g b> <c e gis b> <c es ges bes> \break <c e g a> % 6 = major triad with added sixth <c es g a> % m6 = minor triad with added sixth <c e g bes d'> <c es g bes d'> \break <c es g bes d' f' a' > <c es g bes d' f' > <c es ges bes d' > <c e g bes des' > \break <c e g bes dis'> <c e g bes d' f'> <c e g bes d' fis'> <c e g bes d' f' a'> \break <c e g bes d' fis' as'> <c e gis bes dis'> <c e g bes dis' fis'> <c e g bes d' f' as'> \break <c e g bes des' f' as'> <c e g bes d' fis'> <c e g b d'> <c e g bes d' f' as'> \break <c e g bes des' f' as'> <c e g bes des' f' a'> <c e g b d'> <c e g b d' f' a'> \break <c e g b d' fis'> <c e g bes des' f ' a'> <c f g> <c f g bes> \break <c f g bes d'> <c e g d'> % add9 <c es g f'> <c e g b fis'> % Lydian <c e g bes des' ees' fis' aes'> % altered chord } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alternate Jazz notation efullmusicJazzAlt = { <c e gis>1-\markup { "+" } <c e g b>-\markup { \normal-size-super % \override #'(font-family . math) "N" \override #'(font-family . math) "M" } %%c:3.5.7 = \markup { \override #'(font-family . math) "M" } %%c:3.5.7 = \markup { \normal-size-super "maj7" } <c es ges>-\markup { \super "o" } % should be $\circ$ ? <c es ges bes>-\markup { \super \combine "o" "/" } <c es ges beses>-\markup { \super "o7" } } efullJazzAlt = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions efullmusicJazzAlt #f) epartialmusicJazzAlt = { <c d>1-\markup { \normal-size-super "2" } <c es>-\markup { "m" } <c f>-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus4" } <c g>-\markup { \normal-size-super "5" } %% TODO, partial exceptions <c es f>-\markup { "m" }-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus4" } <c d es>-\markup { "m" }-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus2" } } epartialJazzAlt = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions epartialmusicJazzAlt #f) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \score { << \new ChordNames { %% Already set by default: %\set chordNameFunction = #ignatzek-chord-names \set instrumentName = "Ignatzek" \set shortInstrumentName = "Def" \chs } \new ChordNames { \set chordNameFunction = #jazz-chordnames \set majorSevenSymbol = \whiteTriangleMarkup \set chordNameSeparator = "/" \set chordNameExceptionsFull = \efullJazzAlt \set chordNameExceptionsPartial = \epartialJazzAlt \set instrumentName = "Alternative" \set shortInstrumentName = "Alt" \chs } %% This is the Banter (1987) style. It gives exceedingly %% verbose (wide) names, making the output file take up to 4 pages. \new ChordNames { \set chordNameFunction = #banter-chordnames \override ChordName.font-size = -3 \set instrumentName = "Banter" \set shortInstrumentName = "Ban" \chs } \new Staff \transpose c c' { \chs } >> \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 16) system-system-spacing.basic-distance = 0 \context { \ChordNames \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } }
![[image of music]](../a4/lily-4435e924.png)
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